The Prediction

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Hope you like it!!  :)


"Hermione… Hermione… Err…" a voice interrupted.

"Wait… Let it last…" Hermione mumbled, "I want to be stuck in the moment…"

Hermione tossed and turned uncomfortably on her bed. Ginny tried to shake her slowly, waking her up.

"Hermione…" Ginny protested. She thought of something that would make Hermione alive and awake. Her eyes lit up.

"You're gonna be late for class. You forgot to do your homework!"

Hermione sat bolt upright, her eyes considerably widened. "What? Oh no! Help me."

Ginny couldn't help it so she burst out laughing. At that moment, Hermione already knew that Ginny just made it up.

"No one could fool me." Hermione insisted.

Ginny did nothing but continued giggling.

"You just hoodwinked Hermione Granger! Great. What a very nice thing to do in the start of the day." Hermione said deadpanned.

At last, Ginny finally stopped laughing. "You are such a studious lassie, Hermione."

"Of course! Isn't it obvious? You did a very pleasant way to wake me up, Ginevra Weasley." Hermione said, rolling her eyes.

"Well… I just did that because you were talking in your sleep."

Hermione shot her eyes on Ginny's with a worried and an excited look at the same time.

"I missed you. I was so afraid back there." Ginny made a funny face and pursed her lips into a pout, shaking her head towards an imaginary man in front of her.

Hermione rolled her eyes and disregarded Ginny.

"Hey! You're blushing." Ginny spotted.

Hermione touched her right cheek. She felt that her face was turning crimson red.

"No I'm not!" Hermione lied.

Ginny chuckled as if she did not hear Hermione's lie. As soon as she finished chuckling, she made a serious face. "Who's that guy?"

"Who?" Hermione asked curiously.

Ginny elbowed Hermione on the rib.

"Ow. Hey girl! That really hurts." Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny made no reply. She just winked at Hermione.

Ginny finally spoke out. "Don't be such ridiculous Hermione. Now, who's that man in your dream?"

Hermione tried to reminisce all that happened in her dream. Her thoughts went back to the long corridor, to the multiplying Malfoys, to the door, and to Ron who saved her. For the second time that morning, Ginny disturbed her from her thoughts.

"So who is it? Who's that lucky guy in your dream?" Ginny asked giddily for the nth time.

"I… I don't know…" Hermione stammered. She bowed down her head.

"WHAT? I can't believe this is happening. Hey everyone! The Gryffindor know-it-all doesn't know who the guy in her own dream! Unbelievable!" Ginny blurted out.

"Yeah! It's unbelievable. It really is." Hermione said this as the idea of falling back for Ron swirled around his head.

After a few moments of silence, Ginny began prattling things again.

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