The Day Started Beautifully

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After spending time with Ginny in his dreams, Harry suddenly felt awoke though his eyes were still closed. He tried to fall in a deep sleep and continue his dream since he was a bit annoyed it ended so suddenly. It's been like ages but he still couldn't get back to sleep so he gave up. Despite of the idea that he was breaking school rules, he decided to wander around the castle to get an early morning walk and think of Ginny, the irreplaceable lady of his dreams. He sluggishly opened his eyes, seeing nothing but blurs. He tried to bat his eyelids continuously as if to clear his vision.

He then gazed at the surroundings.

Bluish early morning light filled the boy's dormitory. This seemed usual to him since he was an early bird. The loud snoring of Neville made him smell something fishy. It's a bit odd not hearing Ron's snore clash with Neville's. Harry dared not to look at the bed beside him because he doesn't want to see how Ron would look, drooling for the second time. He avoided looking at Ron's bed as if disgusted. He stood up and reached for the door. Harry stepped out of the room quietly on his pajamas and fuzzy slippers.

He was already on the stairs, on his way to the common room. He made an effort to keep quiet as he walked down the stairs, not wanting to disturb anyone on their sleep. He then landed on the common room, safe and sound.

When he was halfway across the room to reach the door, he saw something went out of the blue that almost made him leap. He can't believe what he was seeing. That explains it all. That's why I hadn't heard him snoring, Harry thought.

He just found Ron and Hermione sleeping deeply. Ron's arms were wrapped around Hermione's waist. On the other hand, Hermione's hands were held tightly with Ron's. The two looks sweet together. It's like they're two lovers on a novel, Harry thought. I knew they have special feelings for each other right from the start.

He looked at the clock curiously. It was already 6:30 am. He didn't want to break the moment but he needs to wake them up or anyone else could see them and spread the news to the whole school.

Harry walked straight towards Ron, knelt slowly to be able to reach him, and shook him.

Ron's eyes shot wide open as he began to stand up hastily and began babbling things which made no sense at all. As he did this, Harry almost jumped to his feet.

"Who stole my teddy? How is the sun? I still need to clean my shoes. Whats the gun?" Ron said instantly.

Ron was standing in front of Harry. At the words which Ron just gabbled, Harry let out an enormous laugh. Ron was startled, turning around and facing Harry.

"Harry! What's the matter? What happened?" asked Ron.

"You just suddenly went who stole my teddy? How is the sun? I still need to clean my shoes. What's the gun?" said Harry as he mimicked Ron's voice and struggled to catch for his breath after laughing out so loud. Harry's laugh echoed the whole room as it reached the rooms upstairs. He could make the whole Gryffindor awake.

"Shhh!" Harry shushed, pressing his finger into his lips.

Suddenly, the two boys heard people on the floor above turning and tossing on their beds as Harry's laugh echoed through Gryffindor Tower. No one, not even a spider made steps towards the common room to check what the noise is all about. It seems like everyone was too busy on their sleep.

"Okay, Harry! What really happened? Why am I here? Why are you here?" Ron asked. He glanced at the floor twice and saw Hermione asleep. "Why is she here? Why are we here?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me. You should know." Harry said honestly.

"What? Don't ask youYou were the one laughing so hard. You were the one who almost woke everybody up!" Ron said viciously.

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