A Great Morning

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Hermione's POV

I gently opened my eyes with a small soft yawn. Everything was a blunt blur. I batted my eyelids to clear my vision and that's when I recognized every thing. Rays of sunlight coming from the open window hit the posts of my bed casting four lath-like shadows on the smooth wooden floor. Wait, I thought, there's an open window? Early morning breeze filled the whole room. I sat up slowly and scanned the room.

Ginny, Lavender, and Parvati are still deep asleep. I noticed a small letter lying on my lap. The parchment is horizontally folded in half. I wonder who would send me a letter this early in the morning. I opened it. It says,

Hi Mione!


I suddenly recognized that I was smiling. I touched my lips and imagined Draco writing on a piece of parchment and went to the owlery to send me this letter. I slowly freed my hand and glanced around. I started looking for Draco's owl. Then I saw a light brown owl standing still on my bedside table. I opened the drawer and pulled out a small piece of parchment and a quill. I wrote,

Hello! Today's our first practice.


I rolled it and put it beside the owl's leg. I gave it a Knut and it automatically flew away. That explains the open window. I stood up and stretched my arms. Today is the first day of practice, I thought. And I can't believe he started my day.

I don't know but something about the letter made me want to go out and have a little walk. After a few minutes of hesitation, I decided to wander around the castle and feel the cool breeze of the early morning. I reached for my hairbrush on my bedside table and brushed my hair. My hair is always messy and bushier than ever whenever I got up from sleep. I looked at my reflection at the mirror and saw that I look good. I think I'm ready to go.

I went outside of my room and descended down the stairs, my footsteps echoing throughout the whole common room. The common room is empty. I walked across the common room and opened the door. I headed towards the Great Hall silently.

As I was only a few feet away from the entrance of the Great Hall, I saw a familiar guy. His messy blond hair is what struck me most. He was tall and he already wore his green school robes. A Slytherin, I thought. An owl was perched on his shoulder. He was looking at my direction.

Even though I was still far from him, it seems like he recognized me already and yelled out my name – my nickname perhaps.

"Mione!" the familiar guy said and began running towards me. His owl flew away from him towards the owlery.

Bit by bit, I tried to recognize him too. Only one person calls me Mione.

"Draco!" I cried and ran towards him too.

When we were already in front of each other, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him unmindfully. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and followed suit. I suddenly woke up to my senses and realized that I'm hugging Malfoy, the boy who used to tease me and my friends before. No, I thought, he is now the Draco I know, the one who has changed.

He let go of me and I let go of him. I blushed. I can't look at him after what I've done. I changed my mind. I started to talk to him.

"You woke up early just to give me a letter?" I asked with a smirk.

"Certainly. You replied." Draco answered and unfolded the piece of parchment that I sent him a while ago. "Want to go for a walk?"

I nodded but stopped and asked him, "Wait, were you waiting for me all the time?"

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