The Invitation

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"The headmaster told us to tell the students that there will, once again be a Yule Ball next Friday night.  Not this coming Friday. You are to send owls to your parents and ask them to get you some dress robes or any appropriate clothing for the ball. You are not allowed to have partners from the same house or from the lower years." as Professor Snape addressed the last sentence the whole dungeon was filled with grunting and some were even cursing under their breath.

"How is that? We're not even close with the girls over there." Ron turned to Harry, complained and pointed towards the Slytherins. He saw Malfoy eye him with a smirk. Ron suddenly broke eye contact.

"I know, Ron! I know!" said Harry in agreement, nodding his head.

"Shhhh!" Professor Snape shushed so loud it almost echoed and the whole class became silent. The dungeon was filled with eerie silence. Once again, Professor Snape began to open his mouth and continued his announcement.

"Since today is Tuesday," he said eying Neville because he was still talking with Seamus even though Seamus is not minding him, "practices of the dance will be held at the Great Hall tomorrow, on Friday, Monday next week, then on Wednesday during Potions and Transfiguration class."

Still, the students remained soundless but deep inside they were so overjoyed. They pretended that it was such a great loss and started complaining to their seatmates.

"No need to worry. I know how you feel." Professor Snape stopped and looked at the back as if he just heard Harry struggling hard not to laugh but he ignored it. "You are to practice with your partners. That means, boys," He moved his head from the Slytherins on the left, to the Gryffindors on the right, "you should be able to look for a partner now and only until tomorrow morning since tomorrow is the beginning of your practice."

"How can we do that?" asked Harry in disappointment.

"I know, Harry! I know!" said Ron in agreement.

"Questions?" Professor Snape asked.

Silence filled the room.

"Very well then." he said with a smirk. He began the lesson with his cold voice. "Turn your books to page 245. How to make healing potions? As you can see in the illustration…"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in the Great Hall to eat lunch. They sat at their usual seats silently. Hermione fixed her bag because it was a total mess and also she wants to get ready for her nearing next class. Ron helped himself with some tuna sandwiches, sausages, lasagna, and pumpkin juice all at once. Hermione looked at Ron twice. She can't believe what she's looking at though Ron did it almost every time.

"Ron! Mind your manners! Eat slowly. You'll never run out of food." Hermione said in shock.

Ron just ignored Hermione and kept putting food into his mouth. "So Er-ry," Ron tried to say with mouthful of food stuck on his mouth, swallowing it, "who'll you ask out?"

"Maybe," Harry said and looked around at the Great Hall to search for girls he knew and he was close to. His eyes were focused on the Ravenclaw table, at the lonely girl who looked dreamily around as if wondering why she was even there, "Luna? No! I almost forgot, No girls that are in lower years."

Ron held his neck as if trying to choke out all the food. Hermione noticed Ron's face getting redder and redder. "Can't… breathe!" Ron said. Hermione woke up to her senses and gave Ron her glass of water.

"Harry! HARRY!" Hermione shouted for help.

Harry was distracted from gazing at Luna and was startled when he saw Ron's face tomato red. This time it wasn't Hermione that made him red, it was actually the food.

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