The Challenge

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Chapter 8:  The Challenge

The unexpected beeping noise of the Muggle alarm clock, which Hermione gave him, along with its small thuds and buzzing sounds and the shaking motions of the table, was the cause why he woke up. Well, he might be awake but he still buried his whole body under the covers. Slowly, he raised his right arm, pulled the covers off his head, and reached for his alarm clock on his bedside table. He looked for his alarm clock with his hand, tapping the table in different locations. After a few attempts of searching it, he finally found it at the very edge of the table as if it was about to jump off. He got it and pressed the snooze button on top. He raised his head a bit and slipped his right arm under it. He relaxed. He gradually took off his covers with his free hand and sat up with his eyes closed.

Ron raised his arms and rubbed his eyes gently. He opened his eyes. Darkness came into view. Then he was able to notice a few things in the room. Rays of moonlight from the open window made shadows cast on the flat wooden floor. Moonlight? Why would that alarm clock wake me up in the middle of the night? The cool midnight breeze filled the dormitory room as it passed through the open window. Ron felt cold and shivered. Seeing the portraits, curtains, and tapestries sway side by side made him stand up and close the windows bravely. After a few seconds, every thing that was once swaying was now still.

He stood in front of his four poster bed silently. Then, something occurred to him. He felt that he needs to look for something.

Well, I really don't remember any teacher that assigned us any homework today. All we did was practice for the Yule Ball, he thought. He hesitated for a moment but he finally decided to take out his wand from his pocket.

"Lumos." he muttered.

The tip of his wand lit instantly and he lowered it. He did not want anyone to be awake. He walked a few careful steps towards the table. He placed his wand over the table as it glowed over the alarm clock. He felt silent for a moment and observed the clock curiously. It seems like something's gonna happen and it needs to be done. His heart was beating faster than ever as an eerie silence filled the room.

After a couple of minutes staring at the clock stupidly, it suddenly began to alarm again. He started to panic, his knees falling to the ground. He forgetfully dropped his wand. He clasped his right hand on the top of his bedside table and bit the fingernails of his free hand. He looked at his friends and checked of they're awake. He picked up his wand and stood up hastily and tried to use some spells to make it stop.

"Err… Stupefy?… err… Alohomora! Wait… Wingardium Leviosa… No!"

He tried all of this spells but the alarm clock remained beeping.

He started to gather any spells that he knows.

"Where's Hermione when you need her?" Ron yelped.

Then, he remembered the time Hermione gave her the Muggle alarm clock…

It was Christmas season during our 2nd year. Harry, Hermione and I were staying at Hogwarts because we still need to accomplish our mission. We need to find out who the heir of Slytherin is. Hermione was so busy making the Polyjuice Potion. Christmas finally came and I went immediately to the common room. I saw Hermione and Harry there already. They're always the early birds. Hermione handed me a gift. My eyes lit up. I was so happy. I opened it instantly. Then, a blank expression was drawn on my face. Hermione laughed.

"Oh, Ron! You are so cute!" she giggled.

I faced her. I wasn't aware that I was already blushing.

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