The Squabble

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Hermione continued eating hurriedly, not minding Ron and Harry whispering to each other.

"Seriously, Ron," Harry murmured to Ron, glancing at Hermione at his every word, "I think Hermione likes you too, despite the fact that he goes out with Draco most of the time." He elbowed Ron on the rib. Ron let out a small yelp but way deep inside etched a wide grin on his heart.

Harry nodded. He must've read Ron's reaction that is marked on his face.

Hermione placed her spoon and fork on one side of the plate, got a table napkin, folded it and used it to wipe off the dirt on her mouth. I hate eating sausages. she thought, It always makes my lips feel oily.

As soon as she put the now oily table napkin beside her plate, the whole Gryffindor stood in unison. At last, the tables and chairs that filled the Great Hall left the hall with a POOF! Hogwarts students and Dumbledore were the only people visible in the room. After a couple of minutes of uncomfortable silence, footsteps started to march down towards the Great Hall as it's sound pounded the walls of the Great Hall and shot to the ears of the students.

Professor McGonagall appeared standing on the entrance of the Great Hall, her hair tied on a usual bun, wearing her typical teaching robes and pointy witch hat. She wore a confused look on her face. Beside her were Professors Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout. They all wore those funny confused looks on their faces, lines marked their foreheads. Their arms crossed on front of their chests, aiming their heads high up. They were all tapping their feet impatiently.

Students were trying not to burst out in laughter. They were teachers. They need to be respected. Dumbledore broke the long eerie silence that occupied the Great Hall.

"As you can see, Hogwarts students," Dumbledore began, "the heads of houses are here to assist and teach you while I am away." Students started looking from side to side as questions swirled around their heads.

"Don't worry, my students, I will be here before the Yule Ball." Dumbledore continued with a friendly smile, his eyes twinkling as usual.

The heads of houses marched down the aisle towards Dumbledore. Students gave way to them and made a zipper-like effect. Once they reached the front they turned in unison and faced the students altogether. Dumbledore apparated and left with a small POP!

Professor McGonagall raised her arms and clapped two times as a signal that they need to start now. "Let's get moving students. Boys, get your partners and I want all of you to fall in line properly."

The students of Hogwarts acted like red ants running around the Great Hall. Each male ant was looking for their partners. Some started falling in line while a lot were still searching for their dates.

Draco was looking for Hermione. He went to a group of girls who were waiting for their partners to get them. One of them was Harry's very noticeable partner. Draco shooked his head when he found out that Hermione wasn't there. He began pushing away every person that blocked his way. He wanted to speed up but it's really just crowded. Draco placed his hands on the shoulder of two people beside him and pushed himself up. He breathed for air and tried to look around. He was looking for a bushy haired brunette but all he could see was Harry's giant date. He lost his temper. Someone was tugging him down. He jumped back in to the bunch of people in the Great Hall. He drew out his wand and pointed it to the girl in front of him.

"I found you!" the girl said with a cheery smile.

Draco groaned and said "Expelliar . . . What?"

He was cut in mid sentence when a girl just said she found him. Then he examined the girl over the people that were moving. It's like the girl and him were the only ones still and frozen unlike the other people scampering around them.

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