Lend a Hand

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That day, Draco himself became a gentleman to Hermione. He fetched Hermione from every class and took her to her next class. He tried to be close to Hermione. And he wasn't calling her "Mudblood" anymore.

I never knew this day would come. I wasn't really hoping that we could be this close but here I am and here she is, walking and spending time with each other. Poor Weasel. Hermione really is gorgeous. After years of having a secret crush on her, I can't believe that I can almost admit to her what I feel about her. From the look in her eyes, I have a really great feeling that she likes me too. If only I had befriended her before, then there must've been more time for the both of us, not Weasel and her. What if the world would turn upside down and Hermione and I are bestfriends and Potty and Weasel are our enemy? That'd be more like it. No, if I have to be close to Hermione, I also have to be close to Potty and Weasel – or  should I say Potter and Weasley. I had waited for this time all my life and I won't let go of her. I'll never hurt her. I'll take care of her. I think I love her, thought Draco.

Sometimes, when he looks at me deep in my eyes, I feel very important and it's like my feelings for him change. I still can't believe it; Draco Malfoy is changing and befriending a Mudblood that he used to tease before. Well, I can't stop him if he wanted to change. I think I'm more attracted to him now because I'm getting to know the real him. And the way he treats me, he's like a gentleman. I love how he smiles and hearing his voice makes me smile. For my whole life, no one has done me that.  Not even my friends.  Whoah, did I just mention LOVE? Draco is a Malfoy. And that is clear. I would never fall for a Malfoy. But he's so cute and handsome. If only we had been friends for a long time, I think he wouldn't have been our enemy. He's kind and sweet. I think Harry and Ron wouldn't mind if I spend time with him. What if Ron sees us? I wish he wouldn't mind. I really didn't expect this to happen. What would people say when they see us together? The Gryffindor know-it-all and the Slytherin prince are dating. Wait, Dating? That would be way too impossible. I can't believe I'm here beside him now. I think I'm falling for him, Hermione thought.

"Err.. Hermione, can I call you Mione?" asked Draco with his usual heart melting smile.

"Yeah." Hermione agreed and blushed.

"What's your next class?" Draco asked curiously.

"Well, it's Transfiguration." Hermione answered and suddenly, she remembered something. "Oh, Draco! Wish me luck! You see, I slept at class..."

"I know that already." Draco said and stretched his arm and laid it on Hermione's shoulder as if comforting her.

"Really? And you know about what Ron did too?" Hermione asked. She was shocked.

"No. What did Weasley did to you?" Draco asked furiously.

Hermione could see the worry in Draco's eyes. She also flinched when Draco mentioned Weasley.

"Did you just say Weasley?" asked Hermione, smiling.

"Yeah! Is there something wrong?" asked Draco.

"No. It's just unusual for you to say Weasley. Most of the time, you say Weasel." Hermione explained and she remembered that she has feelings for Ron too.

"What were you saying about Weasley?" Draco asked, raising his eyebrow.

Hermione remembered that night. Ron and she spent the night with each other. A smile began to appear on her face out of the blue. "He helped me make my essay. He did the third page and forged my handwriting. I hope Professor McGonagall won't notice or Ron and I can get expelled from this school." Her eyes suddenly became watery.

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