A Night to Remember

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Enjoy!  :)

Ron's POV

The moment I hugged her, I saw that everywhere else is dark except for the place where Hermione sits, like there is a spotlight on us. I was so happy. I waited for this moment all my life. Just a simple hug can make my day already. I can feel my face and ears turn red. I hadn't noticed that a smile already appeared on my face. I felt a bit nervous, though, because I'm not really good at comforting people. Then, I heard footsteps running towards us. I heard it stop and I can hear that person calling Hermione. I thought this moment was going to last, but hey, there's always a next time, right?

"Hermione! You just slept in class!" said the person. I realized it was a man.

We let go of each other, but I had the feeling that Hermione wants to hug me more. She doesn't want the moment to stop. But it's pretty embarrassing to the man in front of us, so we continued to let go of one another.

"Oh! Harry!" Hermione said.

"Is it true, Hermione that you slept in class? I've been practicing Quidditch, you know." asked Harry curiously.

"Not helping, Harry." I whispered to Harry's ear.

"Is it true Hermione?" asked Harry annoyingly.

I could see the marks of the tears on Hermione's face.

"Not helping, Harry." I said as I coughed.

"It's okay, Ron. It's true, Harry, I slept in class." Hermione said as she bowed down her head facing at her desk.

"Sorry about that Hermione. Hey, I want to help you but I'm afraid I don't have time tonight. I have Quidditch practice. I'm sorry Hermione." Harry apologized.

"I understand, Harry." Hermione said silently.

"Harry, I can help Hermione do her essay later." I said.

"Okay. Good luck, Ron! Hermione, you can do it. The Hermione Granger I know doesn't give up." Harry said, cheering Hermione up.

Hermione just nodded as Harry left the room. I held Hermione's arm and gently pulled her as a way to remind her that we need to go. She slowly lifted her head up and looked straight at me with watery eyes.

"We need to go out now." I said, "We're alone in this room." The moment I said those words, my face turned from pale to red. She laughed and it's nice to hear her laugh again.

I waited for Hermione at the Gryffindor common room. She has to attend her Arithmancy class. I looked at the time. It's 6 pm. I stood up from the couch and walked around the room to kill boredom. I felt like I've been there for ages, greeting every Gryffindor that went inside the room. None of them was Hermione. It's only 6:30 pm. Then, I decided to go to the Great Hall and eat some dinner. I went out of the common room and walked directly to the Great Hall. I sat at our usual seats and ate. None of my friends were there with me. I ate there alone, though I can hear some Slyhterins making a plan to play a prank on Hermione. I wanted to stop them but I was so worried that they might bully me and I don't have anyone on my side.

I was full already. I stood and walked away from the food, from the Slytherins, from the Great Hall. I halted. I went back and got some cookies and hot chocolate because I thought it was going to be a long, rough night. I went back to the common room and saved a table for us to use. I sat at the floor and tried to practice how to teach Hermione. I have to admit, it's really unusual to teach Hermione. I mean she's a know-it-all. I think she could catch up easily.

So how will I start this, I said in my mind. I could hand her some notes that I took. I could also show her the chapter in the book where we are now. Or I could just tell her what to write, if I can.

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