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Enjoy Chapter 10 :D


Hermione's POV

I could almost die right now. I'd be so happy if this is the last thing that I could do on Earth – spending more time with him. I don't know if it's just me or did he really have good looks today. I like it whenever our eyes met and we're both speechless because I begin to think that our relationship is going to be more than friendship.

We walk by the lake, still hand in hand and I started to talk about Muggle stuff. I've been observing Ron whenever I talk about it. He seems to be always interested about Muggles and how they live and work. I remember the time when I gave him an alarm clock for Christmas. The look on his face made me laugh.

"Do you still have the alarm clock that I gave you for Christmas on our 2nd year?" I asked Ron.

"Yeah. Didn't you know I've been using it here in Hogwarts?" he said with a smirk.

I can't believe it. He's actually using it. I can feel that I'm already in heaven with him. This is definitely a walk to remember.

"Really?" I cried.

"Yes. It just woke me up in the middle of the night last night…" Ron said but he suddenly stopped as if he wasn't about to tell me something. Is he keeping a secret? I don't care. As long as I'm with him, I'm happy and contented.

I changed the topic.

"Ron?" I asked and he looked at me in the eye. I could already feel my heart melt.


I asked him a question that kept on bugging me.

"Where do you want to live in the future?"

He still looked at me but he wore a puzzled expression. I clarified my question.

"I mean in what world? Do you want to stay in the Wizarding World or do you want to try living within the Muggle World?"

"I positively want to live in the Muggle World. They're always full of surprises!" he answered instantly with a wide grin on his face.

"I was expecting that." I muttered.

"What were you expecting, Mione?" he asked curiously.

"I was excepting what you were gonna answer - that you like the Muggle World. I realized that whenever I talk about Muggles, you look really interested." I explained. "I also want to live in the Muggle World with you, Ron."

Ron looked at me. I can tell that he was shocked. Then, I realized what I had just said. I almost spilled my secret. I blushed.

"I… I mean…" I stuttered.

I lowered my head in embarrassment but Ron held my chin tilted my head upward. Our eyes met leaving the two of us speechless again.

He slowly leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes. This is just what I wanted to happen. It's just like what happened in my dream.

I felt Ron's nose touch mine and we were just about to kiss when I heard a splash of water. The moment was gone.


In the Slytherin common room, Malfoy plopped himself down on the couch in front of the fireplace that morning. He looked glumly at the blazing fire, trying to remember what happened last night when Pansy and Blaise sat beside him.

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