The Yule Ball

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Chapter 11: The Yule Ball

This is gonna be so fun!

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Hermione's POV

Okay! Tonight is the night that many waited for so long. Someone shouldn't spoil it for me or for others. Everything needs to be perfect. My gown, check! My make-up, check! My hair, check! Well, it seems to be that I'm ready after all those butt-aching hours sitting on a chair and fixing this hair of mine. I need to go. Draco must've been waiting for me at the Great Hall already. I told him to wait for me at the bottom of the stairs.

Speaking of Draco, I kind of treated him rudely these past few days. But I guess he deserved it after all those years which he spent unwisely. He did nothing but tease us. Past is past. Maybe I should let go of the past like what he did. He forgot all that happened and changed. Draco is very outstanding.

I wonder what Ginny and Luna would look like. Ginny could be wearing an aqua blue sleeveless, knee-length dress which has glitters on the bottom part of the skirts and a small bow with ribbons lying loosely at her back. Luna might be wearing a yellow sunny knee-length dress that was fitted her chest tightly and fluently flows down upon her knees. Harry could be wearing his usual dress robes. And . . . Ron. (I let out a giggle) I wish he would wear something . . . different this time perhaps, the one more appropriate for this occasion. If I'm correct in all of this, then I really am a know-it-all.

I found myself standing at the top of the staircase. At first, I didn't see Draco but then I saw him wearing a black American tux. I wonder where he got that. He was talking to Crabbe. I saw him look at me. Then he looked at Crabbe again. And he looked at me in awe. He seemed to be surprised.


Hermione was wearing a blossomy pink cocktail dress. There was a fainted lavender ruffles around her waist. Her hair was smooth, glossy and straight until it reached the end of her hair which has small ringlets that lay on her shoulders and back. The moment Draco saw her, Draco remembered the color of the leaves of a cherry tree.

Draco's eyes were only focused on Hermione while she was making her way down the stairs.

"Hi, Mione." Draco said with his usual heart-melting smile.

"Hello!" Hermione said.

She didn't seem to mind Draco. She was obviously looking for someone else. Crabbe cleared his throat.

"I'll be going now, Malfoy." Crabbe whispered on Malfoy's ear.

Draco turned to me and reached his hand out to me. I held it and we walked toward the Great Hall.

The Great Hall looks . . . wonderful! The usual wooden tables and chairs are gone which are replaced by grand ones. There are also balloons of different colors that lay on the ground. There is a stage in the middle so that the people can surround the stage. The place is lit with multi – colored lights.

"Wow." Hermione muttered under her breath as she made a turn to see everything that is there. "It's wonderful, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Draco said, his eyes laid only to Hermione.

Hermione made a giggle and pulled him with her toward her friends. Ginny was there with his partner which Hermione had never seen in her past years in Hogwarts but he's kind of cute too. Luna came into view, passed by in front of them and ran to the stage with a boy with him. Harry came with her tall partner. Ron wasn't there yet. Hermione had been looking for Ron since she met Draco down the staircase.

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