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"Father, we thank thee for the night,
And for the pleasant morning light;
For rest and food and loving care,
And all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the things we should,
To be to others kind and good;
In all we do, in work or play,
To grow more loving every day. In Jesus name, amen." My father who happens to be a pastor, said.

"Amen." my bestfriend, mother, and I said in sync.

"Were, uh, gonna go to bed now, night!" My bestfriend, jade said while dragging me out of the living room.

"Girl, what the hell was that for?" I whisper-yelled as soon as Jade and i entered my room.

"If we wanna make it to my house in time to change into our clothes and get ready, we have to leave now. After the 'goodnight prayer' your parents normally go straight to bed so we have nothing to worry about, now c'mon!" Jade argued, while slowly opening up my window.

"Stop!" I whisper-yelled, again. "I told you already, I don't wanna go. Unlike some people, I'm actually a good girl, who obeys her parents." I stated while sitting down onto my comfy bed.

"Here we go again," Jade started while letting out a dramatically long sigh, while plopping her body down into my bed. "Your 17, vaeh," Jade started, while calling me her nickname she gave me 5 years ago when we first met. "It's time to live a little, become experienced, make memories, enjoy life! It's now or never." Jade pleaded.

"I don't know, what if we get caught?" I understood where she was coming from, so I guess going to one little party isn't going to ruin my good girl rep, I mean it's not like I have to drink or smoke, being bad is an option- not a choice. As long as I kept to myself, everything should be just fine.

"We won't, your parents are some heavy ass sleepers, as long as we don't make too much noise coming back into your window, we should be fine." Jade assured, while grinning from ear to ear as if she got what she wanted.

"Fine, I'll go. But why can't I change here, real quick?" I suggested, while getting out of my bed, and walking over to my closet.

"Because, all of your clothes look like they came straight out of a church weekly's clothing line. You need to show a little cleavage, let loose for once, damn." Jade said while sighing.

"Let loose for a while, damn," I mocked Jade while walking towards the window. "It's hard to let loose and show a 'little cleavage' when your the pastors child, everything I do represents him. He'd never let me out of the house in anything that showed even the slightest bit of cleavage." I said while slowly stepping up and over my window seal.

"Well, that's all changing tonight." Jade started.

"Welcome to the dark side."

"I'm not putting that on." I started while looking at the thin piece of fabric jade called a dress.

"Omg, vaeh, what happened to living a little? This isn't even that tight, plus, it goes all the way to your knees, it'll look cute on you, and show off those curves of yours that you insist on hiding." Jade said while smiling.

"Fine, I'm doing this for you, Jade." I said while stripping off my clothes.

After I threw on jades dress, I decided on letting my long, thick, natural curls hang loose, spraying a bit of water mixed with coconut oil to give it a little shine. I threw on a lace choker, and some clear lipgloss.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now