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"I'm never going to a party with you again." I argued while shaking my head no.

"Okay, so I had one too many, but you can't look me in the eyes right now and tell me that wasn't the funnest thing you've done since, hell, ever!" Jade said while laughing and playfully hitting my side.

I turned to the side of my desk that jade was at and turned her face to my direction, making sure to never break our eye contact I said, "that was the worst night of my life, Jade! Never again, unless god himself is the host, I'm not going." I then shrugged my shoulders and turned back to the front, facing the board.

"But, vae-"

I put my hand up to stop jade from whatever nonsense excuse she had in store for why I should go out with her again this weekend. I was called out my name, disgusted, and could've possibly got raped if August never stopped whoever that guy was from dragging me upstairs.


I haven't been able to shake that name out of my head since I first heard it last Saturday, and it was kind of pissing me off. He was a crude, who thought that just because I had respect for myself I was boojie and prissy. I let out an involuntarily scoff at the thought of his hypocritical comments.

"You probably live in a big ass house." Said by the guy living in a bigger house than me!

"Ms.smith, MS.SMITH!" My world civic's teacher, Mr.Gardner yelling out my name, instantly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Now that your back on planet earth with the rest of us, you can answer the following question: what is the oldest monotheistic religion?" Mr.Gardner said with a sly smirk spread across his face.

"Judaism." I responded, not even having to think too hard on the question.

"That's.. correct. You got lucky, nevaeh, next time stay focused in my classroom. You can lallygag at lunch! Till then, take out your notebook and jot down notes like the rest of your classmates." Mr.Gardner said while shaking his head as if he was disappointed in me.

I honestly wanted to curse him out.

I have a 100% in this class, and know more about the subject then he probably knows himself, and I daydream for a mere second and he calls me out? He's lucky I was raised up in a home with parents who taught me to show respect to my elders, no matter how dumb they may be, their still an elder who deserves to be shown respect.

"Yes sir." I said in a low sigh.

Knock, knock.

"Pardon me, class." He said while walking over to the door.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, but you have a new student, Mr.August Alsina. We had a nice little talk on the way up here, he's about caught up to your class, so his late move in shouldn't be too much of a hassle." Some lady on the other side of the door said.

God, please tell me someone else had the audacity to name their child, August. I beg you.

I stared intensely at the doorway as August himself strolled into the classroom, instantly causing me to sigh and roll my eyes harshly.

"Damn, veah. Who's got your panties all in a bunch?" Jade joked while letting out a low laugh.

"It's him, Jade. From the party." I tried to speak lowly so he wouldn't hear me, but failed. He instantly shot his head towards my direction, a sly grin creeping across his face.

"Oh shit, the one who saved you from that guy?" Jade said while looking over in his direction.

"Don't stare at him, I don't want him to know we're talking about him." I said while speaking through low, gritted teeth.

"And, yeah, that's him. But, he's also the guy who called me out my name and put his hand on me as if he 'that guy', as if I should've been blessed to be in his presence." I said while rolling my eyes, "who does he think he is? God?" I said while scuffing, "tuh'." I said again while shaking my head.

I glanced over at jade to see her grinning up a storm, it was like she totally ignored everything I said.

"You like him, don't you?"

Jade said while smirking.

I looked over at her harshly, she must've heard a completely different story then what I just told her, because absolutely nothing I said gave off the impression that I liked him.

"Hell no!" I said while scrunching up my nose, lord knows how many hoes he's been with, from that text I seen last weekend, it's pretty obvious he's no virgin.

Oh, no, no. My dream guy isn't perfect, but he's damn close to it. He'd be a Christian, have respect for himself, women, & his parents, have the same aspects on certain topics as me, and educated!

"Mhm, keep telling yourself that. Passed all that negative energy your giving off on him, you know you like him. He's the exact opposite of you, and you can't help but to crave to know what it's like to be with the bad boy, you crave to throw off your whole 'good girl' persona, and take a ride on the wild side for once. And trust me girl, it's lit over here." Jade said while sticking out her tongue.

"Actually, no."

Was all I could think of as I turned back around in my seat. I mean of course it be nice to not have to worry about running my parents reputation all the time, to be wild and free, but that's a fantasy.

"You can take the empty seat behind nevaeh, nevaeh, would you stick up your hand so this young man knows where to walk to." Mr.Gardner said.

After a moment of cussing him out in my head, I finally shot my hand up. I turned my head away from him though, I refuse to see the smirk on his face.

"Can't stay away from me, huh?" August whispered into my ear as he took his seat.

"Other way around, I've been here for the past three weeks, not so sure about you though." I said without bothering to turn around.

"Keep tellin ya self dat, ma. You know you happy to see a nigga." August said while tucking a stray curl behind my ear, instantly causing me to shiver from the slightest touch of him.

"But I'm not." I said while brushing him off me.

"But I'm not," August mocked, causing me to turn around and glare at him.

"Look, it's not my fault he assigned you behind me, but let's make this easy on the both of us, and not speak to each other. Got that? Okay? Okay." I said in a harsh tone.

"NEVAEH! If you wouldn't mind turning around and joining us for class, again." Mr.Gardner said.

"I'm sorry." I said while turning back around.

"Twice in one day, I expect better from you, Nevaeh." Mr.Gardner said while shaking his head, causing me to roll my eyes.

He hasn't even been in here for five minutes, and he's already gotten me in trouble, great.

Hey, thoughts?❤️


Word count: 1218

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now