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I walked down the cold ally in search for something, or someone? I honestly didn't know, but something was telling me that it was close, and that I wasn't safe.

A sudden whistle in the leave caused me to instantly shoot up. A strange tingle going down my spine as the tiny hairs stood on the back of my neck.

I was being followed.

Not even bothering to turn around, I ran ahead, full speed in a random neighborhood. It was somehow familiar tho, I just couldn't quiet out my tongue on where I was. Nothing was making sense, but I knew one thing, I had to get the hell out of this alley...

"NEVAEH!!!" Ms.Elizabeth yelled while quickly removing the covers on August bed- instantly waking me up.

I looked down at my attire to see that i was still fully clothed, but when I looked over at August Insaw that he only had on a pair of shorts, removing his black shirt from earlier.

This looked just as bad as it sounded.

Me: August's little sisters babysitter, snuggled up against her older brothers bare chest.

"I can explain-" I started before getting cut off by Elizabeth.

"No need to explain, I came up here to check on you but it seems as if your doing fine. Anyways, his parents will be home soon, and brey is tucked in bed so you can go, I mean unless you want to continue whatever you two have.. started" Elizabeth said while giving off a disgusted look.

"Look, no disrespect, but me and August know each other from school, we were just talking and I got sleepy and dozed off- NOTHING happened between us, so I would appreciate it if you didn't look at me as if I was some slut laid up in his bed on the regular. But um, I'll have him take me home, thanks for telling me."

Even though I knew absolutely nothing happened between us I still felt exposed, and no matter what I said, this still looked bad, so I could understand her "concern" in a way, but she didn't need to read me as if I was one of his hoes. No matter how bad this looked I'll be damned to not be shown any respect.

She then turned around and out of his room, shutting his room door on her way out.

"August!" I yelled while shaking August out of his deep slumber. It took him a second, but he eventually fluttered his eyes open, instantly smirking once he saw me on top of him.

"Wazzam mama?" August asked, he was clearly still sleepy, his raspy voice sending the now familiar chill down my spine.

"Can you take me home?" It was 10' o clock and I wasn't having jade stroke it all the way out here.

"Do you have to go? Just chill with me till tomorrow," August suggested while pulling me an inch or so closer to him as he ran his fingers through my curly hair that was all bunched up due to my "nap"

This fool must be crazy, but I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my face at the slightest touch of him; but it only lasted a few seconds until I snapped back into reality.

"Now you know my dads the preacher, right? What would I look like if I stayed here all night without even telling them, they're probably tripping now because of how late it is, so c'mon, let's go." I quickly added on while hopping out of bed and putting on my shoes. And about a minute or so later, August finally got up and got dressed.


"Damn, sis. I can't believe your 'hunch' wasn't a hunch after all. August really was her older brother." Jade said in disbelief as her and jaz passed a blunt back and forth.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now