Ten: part two.

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I maneuvered my way through the packed crowd in search of jade and jaz. The strong stench of marijuana slapping me across the face. I could feel a set of eyes following me but decided against investigating. About a minute or so later I finally found jade and jaz, conversing with August and Chance with red solo cups filling each of there hands.

"That was real cute guys, the way you all waited on me back there." I spoke sarcastically as I slightly rolled my eyes. I looked up to see August eyes trailing my exposed body. A slick grin plastering across his face as he allowed his sweet tongue to graze ever so softly over his bottom lip.

"Like what you see?" I spoke up feeling a sudden wave of boldness washing over me. A low chuckle escaped August's plumped lips as he nodded his head yes, "you look really good, vaeh. I especially like dat dress." August said while glancing over my figure one last time before walking over to me, my arm immediately wrapping around his waist.

"My bad, vaeh. I could've sworn you was behind us the whole time." Jade finally spoke up as she downed a couple sips of the liquor infested punch. "It's cool," was all I said before August spoke up, "want sum to drink, shorty?" He then pulled away from me and towards the punch bowl, pouring me a cup before I could even give him an answer. I took the cup from his hands and gave it a quick sniff, whiffing  a strong stench of alcohol, and a hint of pineapple.

"Eh, I don't know. I've never actually drank any liquor before." I responded truthfully while gazing down at the light orange punch. "It's just vodka, vaeh. Don't be a punk." Jaz spoke with a slight slur as she took the rest of her  drink to the head.

"I mean, I guess it couldn't hurt to take just one sip, right?"

I glanced up at my surrounding peers to see them all shaking their heads up and down, anxiously anticipating my next move. The next thing i knew, a bright flash covered my entire body as the crowd around me began chanting the same two words over and over again..

"Do it! Do it! Do it!!!"

Squeezing my eyes as tight as they would go, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I downed about half of my drink all in one gulp.

"That's my bitch!!" Jade and jaz screamed into the camera as my eyes slowly fluttered open. It was like on instant a wave of drowsiness hit me— "yo, you good vaeh?" I knew August was right next to me yet it sounded as if he was a million miles away.

"Ayyy, it's lit." I screamed out as a uncontrollable laugh escaped my numbed lips. I was tipsy. I then downed the rest of my drink, suddenly, I was feeling as good as I looked. The loud music taking over me, I instantly bopped my head to the music, grabbing August's hand by default I then pulled him down to my lips and whispered into his ear, "you wanna dance wimmie, big fella?" A loud chuckle escaping my lips as I stared up at his amused face.

"Ion dance, shawty." August replied honestly while giving me a slight shrug.

"Oh come onnn, lemme see what your working with!" I then grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him into the crowd before he could even get a chance to answer.

Gyal wine up pon my body gyal
Wine like it's a carnival
Gyal me love the way yo you wine for me
Gyal your wine is so emotional
So wine up pon my body gyal
Me want you come wine your waistline for me

Baby you bubblin', you bubblin', you bubblin' baby
Gyal you a party animal
Gyal you active no you no lazy
Gyal you a party animal
Look how you wine you drive me crazy

It was like my body had a mind of its own; my hips started winding to the nice beat instantly. I immediately turned around and pushed my body against august's. dropping my hands down to my knees i started to rotate my hips to the beat.

"yeeeeeahhhh, vaeehhh!!," "go bitch! go bitch! ayyyy, you betta!!!"

i could hear jade and jaz hype me up over the loud crowd; their chants giving me an extra boost of confidence.

"mmm," i looked back to see august standing there, he had a firm grip on my waist but there wasn't a lot of movement going on. maybe he can't dance.

i let out a low chuckle as i stared at his serious face, he may not have known how to dance but it was more than evident that he liked what he saw.


I look for ways to say, "I love you"
But I ain't into makin' love songs
Baby, I'm just rappin' to this LSD
She ain't a stranger to the city life
I introduce her to this hippy life
We make love under pretty lights, LSD (Acid)
I get a feelin' it's a trippy night
Them other drugs just don't fit me right
Girl, I really fuckin' want love, sex, dream

JAZ bopped her head to the trippy beat playing over the speaker. she couldn't really remember how many drinks she'd had that night but the liquor was definitely having it's way over her body. not only was she feeling loose but she was feeling bold.

It started in Hollywood
Dreamin' of sharin' love
My tongue at a loss for words
'Cause my feelings just said it all
Party just started up
Dreamin' of sharin' worlds
Held this feeling for way too long
Said, "I really wanna let it go"

she looked up to see quavo staring at her from across the room, a sly smirk itching to cross his face. she chuckled lowly to herself before popping off the couch she was sitting on. biting down on her bottom lip she decided that tonight was the night.

no more shy jaz.

"hey p-papi," jaz hadn't even realized she was stumbling on her words, too focused on the thought of quavo sweet, plump lips pressed against hers. i bet he's so sweet. she placed her hands against his chest as she swayed her hips to the beat.

"damn, mama" she looked up to see quavo bitting down on his lips. he grabbed a large chunk of jaz's ass before whispering something into her ear. she couldn't really make it out over the loud music but she nodded her head yes anyways.

grinning to himself, quavo grabbed jaz's hand before handing her the rest of his drink; downing it without any hesitation.

next thing she knew, she was following him up a flight of stairs..



i know this is kind of a short chapter, but i hope y'all enjoy it!

ige been neglecting this book due to writers block but i'm back🤞🏾.

chapter eleven will be out next week!


Check out my new story: TRAPPED!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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