eight: part two.

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Slowly but surely, I made it up to his eyes that were starring down on me with low eyes. He was high. His lips were curved up into a smirk, as his hand still laid flat on my shoulder. I could tell he was waiting on my answer so I finally got the courage to speak. I let out a low cough and said,

"H-hey august..." I kind of just stood there awkwardly as I watched him stare down on me with amusement.

"So we breaking into people's houses now? You tryna catch a Nigga lacking or some shit?" August said in an amused tone as he awaited for my answer.

"I'm not breaking into your house, august. Especially not to see you." I retorted back while attempting to keep my head held high so he wouldn't be able to tell how nervous I actually was.

"aw, so I'm not worthy enough to get robbed by you now? You too good to rob me, vaeh?" August said while grabbing onto his chest as if he was actually hurt.

I dramatically rolled my eyes as I attempted to move him over so I could get into the bathroom, but failed.

"Moooove august, I gotta go." I wined while attempting to push my way through, but of course, he continued to block the entrance.

"Nah, nah. Not till you tell me why your up in my house to even begin with." August said while looking a little less amused at the situation and a little more curious.

"I'm babysitting your little sister, happy? Now can you move over?" I couldn't hold it in any longer, and starring at him half naked was making me feel ways that I would never say out loud- and it was killing me.

"Stop harassing my family, vaeh." August said while laughing, never moving from his current position. 

"I'm not harassing her, we ran into each other the other day at Walmart, and I promised her I would hang out with her this Friday, i never even knew she was your sister till about 3 hours ago." I admitted while crossing my legs over to stop myself from thinking about peeing as badly as I had to.

"Oh, The same day you was running out of my house?" August asked nonchalantly, yet I could still tell he had some things he wanted to speak on about the whole situation.

I automatically froze.

I knew he would bring it up and all but I didn't expect him to be so forward with it.

"I wouldn't say I ran out.." I started.

"You usain bolted your way outta here like you just seen a ghost or something-" August started, causing me to roll my eyes.

"But speaking about the other day, can we talk.?" August asked while suggesting I went with him over to his room.

I figured it was time for me to get passed this now, if we never confronted the situation, I would probably never let it go.

"Sure.. I'll meet you in there in a second." I started while looking towards the bathroom sink behind him so he knew I wanted in.

"My bad," August said while moving over and walking towards his room.


The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now