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"What're you doing at a Walmart all the way across town? There's one literally down the street from your house." Jade questioned from the other line of the phone.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to explain what exactly I'm doing here at this particular moment. I'll fill you in once you get here, in the mean time, could you hurry up! I think I'm being followed." I said while whispering the last line into the phone.

"Whatever you say, vaeh. I'll be there in a little while, in the meantime, walk back and forth in the ice cream isle, there's always people there so if your getting followed, at least they won't touch you in a crowd full of people." I heard jade faintly giggle which caused me to slightly groan.

"I'm glad you can make light of the fact that I could possibly get kidnapped and god knows what following that!" I whispered yell.

"My bad, just sit tight I'm on my way." Jade said before hanging up.

I threw my phone into my bag as I made my way towards the ice cream isle, joke or not, it was a good idea.

"Brey! Stop running around, your gonna get hurt!" Some random lady yelled at an adorable little girl who was clearly unfazed by her threat.

"You gotta catch me!" The little girl squealed while smiling from ear to ear.

"Were already late, sweetie. I did not sign up for this!! Come here." The old lady yelled while running after the little girl, who was enjoying the little crowd she had gathered by starting a scene.

The next thing I knew, the little girl was hiding behind my legs, which caused a slight smile to spread across my face. I've always loved kids, especially since I'm an only child. Most people think that kids without any siblings can't cope to playing with little kids but it's the exact opposite, growing up I craved the attention I got from the other kids because it was the only social time I got with someone my own age.

"Hey, pretty little girl, what's your name?" I squatted down to her level, so she could feel a little less intimidated.

"Brey." Suddenly her wild attitude has simmered down, and she had turned into a shy little girl who's doesn't know how to converse with anyone but her family.

"That's a pretty name, that suits a pretty girl like you, do you like playing games brey?" I asked while smiling.

"yes." She said while perking her head up a little more. "But I never get anytime to play them, I like playing with my big brudda, but it's not the same!" She said while squealing the last part.

"Whys it different, love?" I asked while placing a finger onto my chin as if I were deep in thought.

"Cuz he's a boy!" She said in a duh tone while laughing, causing me to snicker along with her.

"I'm sure your brother tries his hardest," I lowly laughed, "but you also have your mommy over there who wouldn't mind playing with you at home." I said in a cheerful tone that kinda annoyed me, but I'm sure she loved it.

"That's not my mommy, that's my nanny, and she's too old to play with me. I wanna play with you." Brey said while pouting, I kind of started to feel bad.

"I don't know, your mom would have to approve." I said.

"I'm sure she would love for your to babysit from time to time, it would be nice for her to have a young lady like you to play with her, my lungs aren't as caught up as they used to be." I presumed her nanny said while walking up to me.

I bit down onto my bottom lip in deep thought, I hated being the spotlight, my only thoughts were pleasing whoever I was talking to.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now