seven: part two.

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A/N: I'm going to try to give you all everyone's POV from my cast list, to give you all a little insight on what their really going through.


Nevaeh's mother placed all of the dry dishes she had just washed into the nearest cabinet she could reach. She then grabbed a rag and began to wipe up any left over water wandering across the sink. She turned on her phone and went straight to pandora, tapping onto her favorite radio station: Frank Kirklin.

His infamous song: I smile began to play, one of Ms.Smith's favorite songs of his.

"I smile, even though I hurt see I smile,
I know God is working so I smile,
Even though I've been here for a while
I smile, smile.."

She swayed her hips ever so softly to the sweet voice of Frank kirklin.

His words cut her deep, considering he had just described Ms.Smith's everyday life. Nevaeh was completely oblivious to all of the pain she was going through, the pain that was caused to her from her husband, and pastor.

He had went from a sweet, loving pastor and man, to a rude, narcissistic, bipolar, women beater.

His anger issues had gotten worse throughout the years of their marriage. He had gotten more aggressive, his hateful words had turned to powerful swings across his lovely wife's chest, and lower abdomen. He would never dare to hit her at any obvious body parts, he wouldn't want his beloved daughter and church members to think he was an abusive women beater.

Oh, no.

In his eyes he was taking matter into his hands, and doing what he thought was best, behind closed doors.

Tears streamed downed Ms.Smiths cheeks as she thought back onto their last argument last night, as if on instinct, she placed her hand onto her lower abdomen which were covered in black and blue bruises.

But, she'd never dare tell anyone about the terrible things that happened between her and her husband behind closed doors..

she'd rather smile through the pain.

Jazmine wandered the halls of the packed school in search for her two best friends, Nevaeh and Jade. Letting out a long dramatic sigh, she decided on going into the cafeteria alone, and finding a random seat. But, as soon as she turned around she ran into one of the most popular/finest jocks in the school, quavo.

Feeling a sudden swarm of butterflies enter her stomach, she decided on speaking up. bitting down onto her bottom lip in attempt to calm her sudden nerves, she then fixated all of her focus onto a random tile below her.

"H-hey, quavo." Jazmine said while awkwardly playing with her hands.

"Hey, ma. It's Jazmine, right?" Quavo asked.

He wasn't trying to sound rude, he genuinely didn't remember her name. He came across so many different faces on a daily, he often mixed up people's names with different faces.

"Yeah, it is." Jazmine said while feeling her face flush a light red.

Although she couldn't quiet control her nerves whenever she was near quavo, Jazmine was actually a loud, outgoing, extroverted person. On top of that, she was hella friendly, she could make the shyest person in the room die of laughter from one of her hilarious remarks on her surrounding peers.

But with quavo, it was different.

She didn't know how she felt about him, but she definitely knew she had some type of feelings towards him. Any time she got the chance to talk to him, her tongue twisted with nerves, causing her to just keep quiet all together.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now