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One month later.

Being forced to sit in front of August for the past month has been crucial.

He's just too childish for me. I've tried blocking him out, but it's merely impossible when he's literally right behind me. And to top it off, I've got jade on my case all the time, "just admit it, you know you like him", but in all reality, I can't stand him.

Don't get me wrong, he's no were near ugly, but he's not my type also. He's too 'thuggish' for me. From his arms, neck, and SIDEBURNS covered in tattoos, to the fact that he's always using slang, and let's not forget the fact that he has hoes. I just can't deal.

I stared at Mr.Gardner in the front of the class, but I wasn't really paying attention. It was like my body was physically here, but I was in a different state of mind.

~ring, ring!

I watched kids swarm out of his classroom, as Mr.Gardner attempted to keep them seated because according to his logic, "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Although, no one really paid him any attention.

I got up from my seat once everyone was already gone, accept jade who was waiting for me at the door. I grabbed my bag off my desk and threw it on to my shoulder. As I was on my way out, mr.gardner called me over to his desk, instantly causing me to sigh.

"Give me on second," I said to jade as I walked over to his desk.

"Yeah?" I asked, not really in the mood for any games. I'm not failing or anything, so I have absolutely no clue on why he's calling me of all people over to his desk.

"You know your my top student right?" Mr.Gardner said while crossing his arms over.

"I guess you could say that, but what does that have to do with anything if you don't mind me asking, sir?" I decided on going the polite route, hoping maybe he'd wrap up whatever speech he had rolled up his sleeve.

"I was wondering if you could tutor a student for me, it's his senior year, and if he doesn't pass this next exam, I'll have no choice but to fail him, and I wouldn't want him to not be able to walk because he doesn't have all his credits. You all could meet up at each other's houses or the school library, that's up to you two of course, but what do you say? I'm positive a couple study sessions with you will set him straight." Mr.Gardner said while planting a smile across his face, but I couldn't help but to stare at a pice of lettuce stuck in between his snaggletooth.

"I don't see why not, what's his name? I'll try looking for him at lunch to set up a date." I don't see any harm in helping out a fellow student, if I were in his position, I would want someone to do the same for me.

"August, August alsina." Mr.Gardner said, instantly causing me to choke up on my words.

Hell no.

"Actually, sir, I take back my kind offer. I don't really get along with him, so our study sessions wouldn't go all that well, but maybe you could ask someone else?" There was no way in hell I was gonna spend time with that imbecile without being forced to sit by him, but involuntarily hanging out with him? I think not.

"And I take back my kind offer of making it a suggestion, you have no choice but to tutor him. Let's face it, you have an 100% in this class, and have already learned everything else that we have to go over for the rest of the year, so instead of making you do easy work, you tutoring him will be a grade, and your grade will vary on how well Mr.Alsina does on his final. So, push your silly differences aside, and get to work." Mr.Gardner said.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now