eight: part one.

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"Hey ma" I greeted my mom as I walked into the kitchen. After the long day me and jade had, I completely forgot about august and the whole situation- until I came back home. It wasn't that deep though, just a couple thoughts about what could've happened lingering in the back of my mind.

"Hey baby, how was school?" My mom questioned while I opened up the cabinet in search of a quick snack. I pulled out a bag of chips, and fruit snacks and decided on calling it a day.

"It was okay, just long and tiring-nothing special." I cringed to myself at how quickly the lie escaped my lips, but I couldn't help it.

I excused myself and went straight up and into my room. Plopping my tired body onto the bed, I flipped on the tv and turned to a random channel.


I grabbed my phone from my back pocket to see an unknown number, that wasn't even from my area code.

+1 (714) 664-8292: hey vaeh! This is brey's nanny, from the other day.

ahh, I thought. I almost forgot about the whole babysitting incident from the other day.

The next thing I knew, I was getting an incoming call.

"Hello? Vaeh?" Brey's nanny said said as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Hey.. I never quite got your name again?" I thought it would be rude to just hit her with a 'hey nanny'.

"It's Elizabeth, but about brey, she would love for you to come over tomorrow night.. around 5?" Elizabeth questioned.

I thought back on the text jazmin sent me earlier about going to a party quavo invited her to, remembering that the party was Saturday night, and not Friday, I immediately accepted.

"I'd love to." I said, she then gave me the address and simple directions on how to get there. Considering the fact that I met them in a Walmart 45 minutes away from me, I made a mental note to ask jade if she could drop me off.

The next day: 4:30

"I can't believe you got me out here driving for damn near two hours, again!" Jade complained as she backed out of my driveway.

"I knowww-" I said while intentionally holding out the 'w', "but I got you on gas so it's all good." I reassured while giving her an annoyingly wide smile.

"And, you love me." I added on.

"On who?" Jade questioned. Making me give her a straight face as she laughed in my face, "I'm fucking with you." Jade said.

"Jazmin tell you about her little encounter meant with quavo too?" I asked while giving her a slight glance as we zoomed down the highway.

"I'm pretty sure jazmin told the entire school, do you know how long she's been crushing on him? And he FINALLY acknowledged her AND invited her to a party? Sis is finally making moves and I'm proud of her." Jade said as I nodded in agreement.

I knew quavo was somewhat a player and all, but jazmin was my bitch so as long as he was making her happy, i was down for it.

About 40 minutes into the drive, we pulled off and into a familiar neighborhood- august's neighborhood.

Since he drove us last time, I honestly didn't remember where his exact house was, but I did know that it was in this neighborhood. And, the fact that all the houses are damn near identical didn't really help with my current wave of anxiety.

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