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I attempted to block out the harsh stench by covering up my nose, while attempting to scurry my way through the thick crowd in search of Jade.

I made my way into the living room, and stared down almost every girl I saw dancing, hoping one of them would be Jade, but none of them were. Giving up on searching myself, I decided on asking around. 

"Um, excuse me, sir?" I asked some random gentlemen grabbing himself a cup of the fruit punch that was probably infested with all types of liquor.

"H-h-hey! S-sexy." He slurred while attempting to slightly place his hand onto my shoulder, but instead, he ended up slamming it, almost causing me to fall over.

"What the fuck!" at this point, I didn't care about cursing. How dare he put his hands on me, this is the second time some random dude has put their nasty hands on me tonight!

Not even bothering to mess with his drunkenness, I decided on giving the whole "ask around" thing one more shot.

"Pardon, sir? Have you seen someone around here names Jade? Or a guy named Isaiah?" I decided on getting straight to the point this time.

"Jade? Yeah, I think I might've seen her upstairs, I can take you there if you'd like." He allowed a very uncomfortable, grin, spread across his face as he forcefully grabbed my hand.

Rule number one: trust no one.

"Actually, she just texted me. But, thanks for the offer, bye!" I attempted to let loose from his grab but he pulled me instead, instantly jerking me off the floor.

"STO-" before I could even finish yelling, a random guy pulled him off me, and onto the floor, causing me to fall back. I quickly shot back up, seeing the same guy from the bathroom pounding the guy. He sent loud blows back to back, he didn't even looked fazed by the damage he was doing.

"Stop! Stop! I'm okay, let him go, please!!" I pleaded while attempting to pull him off him. I may have been pissed, and there's no saying what he could've done if he never stepped in, but, ive already forgave him. Because I was raised to learn that violence was never the answer, and it almost never ended well.

After a minute or so of me begging for him to release his grip on him, he finally pulled off, the guy from the floor attempting to get up and leave but he sent him one last blow stopping his sudden movements of escape. He got up, wiped his hands that surprisingly didn't get that much blood on it, onto a random towel.

"What you doing talking ta' random strangers, ma? You tryna get hurt or sum shit?" The mystery man said while staring intensely into my eyes, him being so close to me, and staring so deeply into my eyes intimated the hell out of me, but I tried my hardest to stay put together.

"I'm looking for my friend, so we can leave, but she's no were to be found and she's not picking up my phone." I stated while staring right back into his eyes.

"What's ha name? And who she wit?" The mystery man asked.

"Jade, and she's with a gentleman names Isaiah."

He let out a low chuckle, and pulled out his phone. "Gentleman," I heard him mock lowly, causing me to scoff. "let me shoot him a text and see wea' his ass is at." The mystery man said.

"Okay, well, I still wanna look around, if you'd excuse me." I said while attempting to move past him, but he quickly moved over, allowing me no space to leave.

The preacher's daughter// August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now