Ten: part one.

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A/N: if you like what you see, comment!💓 you're feedback helps me a lot!

Back to the story..

"Remind me on why I'm continuously driving you across town to see this nigga?" Jade questioned, after 45 minutes we'd finally reached August neighborhood.

"Don't act like you don't wanna see you're boo, Chris." Jades cheeks flushed a light red as she thought back on her last encounter meant she had with chris,

"Fuuuuuck" jade flung her head back in complete ecstasy as Chris's tongue went to work on her swollen pearl.

Placing her hand atop of his messy curls, she grabbed as much as she could, shoving his head further into her soaking wet pus*y, she winded her hips to the rhythm of her moans, bitting on the inside of her cheek in attempt to restrain herself from screaming any louder.

Jade then looked down at chris with lust filled eyes as she watched him go to work, glancing up at jade with nothing more than pure hunger , Chris plunged two fingers inside of her warm box, his erect dick growing in size at the warm feel of jades walls..

"Thats not my nigga." Jade responded moments later, finally snapping out of her sinful flashback.

Vaeh then turned towards the backseat to see the same goofy grin she had plastered over jaz's face as well, "None of my business, it's none of my business!" The two sang along in the same tune as they turned back to stare at jades irritated facial expression, flinging their heads back into a fit of laughter until the once moving car came to a screeching halt at the end of August's long driveway.

"Let's go before I back this car up and leave you bitches stranded." Jade retorted as she hopped out of her drivers seat door.

"Okay but you ain't have to make us walk a mile an a half to this niggas front door." Jaz mumbled, although, she was still loud enough for jade to hear.

"Who's backing out of this big ass Hill he calls a driveway? not I." Jade
responded nonchalantly as she stroked her way up the driveway.

About ten minutes later, they finally reached his front door, exaggerated sighs of relief flinging from their mouths at the cool air slapping their moist faces once August opened his front door.

"Why ya gotta be so dramatic?" August questioned as he watched the three girls fling onto his living room couch in agony, the back of their calves screaming from their long journey to his front door.

"My legs can't take all this dang walking, i really gotta get in shape." Vaeh moaned out as she rubbed her sore legs.

"Is y'all finished or is y'all done?" Chris asked as he peeped his head inside the living room door, an amusing grin lingering on his face as his eyes connected with jade, causing her to feel all types of way she couldn't quiet explain.

"I'm saying, dey actin' like they just ran a marathon or some shit," August cackled as he pulled out a pre rolled blunt and tucked it behind his ear.

"Your such a headass." Jaz mumbled as she got up and stretched out a little bit, followed by vaeh and Jade.

The three girls then turned on their heels and followed the guys downstairs.

As soon as they hit the bottom stair the smell of strong weed filled up their noses, followed by a loud speaker blaring g herbo's "I like".

Each of the girls stood at the bottom stair completely dumbfounded on where to go or what to do: but they all had reasonable excuses.

The sight of quavo threw jazmine off guard, her innocent-sweet persona taking over. Vaeh, on the other hand, was new on how the whole "match" thing went down and didn't know what to say, to her defense, she's only smoked one blunt and the thick smoke was making her slightly nauseous. Yet she wasn't gonna back out now- mama ain't raise no bitch.

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