Life at Avengers HQ

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"Buck!" Steve shouted,"come on we can't be late again, the meeting starts in ten minutes!"

Bucky sighed, frustrated.

It was the same thing everyday, meeting after meeting after meeting, they were endless.

"Hold on a sec!" Bucky shouted,"I just need to get something." Bucky reached into a drawer and grabbed out his gun and put it in its holster on the right side of his waist.

"Alright let's go," Steve said walking out the door.

Before the two reached the meeting room Steve noticed the gun Bucky had.

"Buck," Steve asked,"why do you bring your gun to every meeting we go to?"

Bucky chuckled.

"You never know what could happen," Bucky said.

The meeting went on for hours! Bucky was starting to fall asleep here and there but Steve made sure to keep him awake.

Fury kept going on about HYDRA'S new assassin which shocked Bucky when He heard "new assassin".

Bucky blocked out the conversation that the "Avengers" were having and he thought about what Fury had just said.

A new assassin, how is this even possible? Bucky knew that he was the only assassin HYDRA had left, he knew that because of the mission to take Zemo out had led them to an old HYDRA base with all the assassins. They all had bullet holes in their heads. They were terminated.

Bucky was brought out of his thoughts by an annoying tapping sound coming from somewhere.

Fury was talking about where this new assassin could be when he too seemed to hear the tapping noise. His hand immediately went to his gun which he pulled out. Everyone else got in a battle stance.

Everyone was quiet, no one dared to make a sound.

The tapping sound stopped suddenly replaced by a metallic rolling sound. The sound got closer to the room and everything happened so fast. Before Bucky could even shout the word "grenade" the room exploded into smoke.

Two HYDRA agents tried to take them out but Steve had knocked both of them out. The room went silent again. It was strange for HYDRA just to send in two of their agents to take them out. Then Bucky realized why they didn't need anymore agents, their new assassin was here.

She was a blur of black and silver, her face covered by a mask that looked familiar to the one that Bucky had worn when he was the "brainwashed assassin".

She was quick, raising her gun and firing multiple shots into there direction. They all missed.

Bucky quickly grabbed out his gun and shot blindly through the smoke. When he heard a grunt he knew he had hit her.

The smoke was clearing and Bucky stepped out the door looking for the intruder.

Bucky heard glass shatter. He turned his head towards one of the windows and saw her. It was a quick look but he was shocked by what he saw. Her left arm was silver and mechanical just like his left arm. It also had that same bloody red star on the shoulder.

Her left arm clutched the bullet wound that Bucky had made, blood soaking out from it. She then took her left arm off of her wound and placed it on the side of the window, then she pushed off and disappeared leaving a smeared blood stain on the wall.

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