"If I turn Myself In..."

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It had taken Bliss three days to get a home in Sokovia. She was close enough to the HYDRA research base. Bliss knew this was a bad idea, but she wanted to get Kyle out of there. Even if she had to just do it by herself.

Bliss had a phone, but never used it. She didn't want to be followed or tracked down by the Avengers.

Bliss always had this thought running through her mind.

"If I turn myself in..." but Bliss knew what would happen if she did this. She'd be killed.

Bliss had gone months without talking to her father. Today, she decided to just call the Avengers. Bliss didn't care if they came for her. She might be dead before they get to her.

Bliss had put on her suit and placed her weapons in all the right places. Then she picked up her phone and called Tony.

"If this is a scam, I don't want to-".

"Tony it's me." Bliss said.

Tony was quiet on the other end for a few minutes. You could hear him running over to a computer and typing.

"Uh, hey Bliss," Tony started,"we've been worried about you."

"I'm in Sokovia Tony, stop trying to trace the call." Bliss smiled.

"What are you doing there?" Tony asked.

Bliss sighed.

"I'm going to turn myself in." Bliss's smile faded.

"She isn't there!" Nat yelled.

"Hey!" Tony shouted,"I'm on the phone!"

"With who?" Bruce asked.

Tony went silent.

"Just tell them Tony." Bliss said.

Tony sighed.

"Bliss called."

"Give me the phone." Bucky said.

"Bliss," Bucky started,"where are you?"

"Sokovia." Bliss said.

"What are you doing there?!" Bucky almost shouted.

"I'm," Bliss paused,"I'm going to turn myself in. I'm close to the base."

"You're going to get yourself killed!" Bucky exclaimed.

"I know that." Bliss said sadly.

"Bliss, don't do this, ple-"

Bliss hung up and destroyed the phone.

She grabbed what she needed and headed towards the research base.

It took Bliss only a few hours to get to the base.

She walked up to the doors and pushed them open. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at Bliss.

Bliss put her hands up in surrender and was quickly taken away by security.

They beat her up and threw her in her old room.

Victor came in with Kyle a few minutes later.

"Well," Victor said," I didn't expect this."

"You don't expect anything." Bliss spat.

"Your friends are on their way." Victor said.

Bliss looked away and sighed. She shouldn't have called Tony. This was a trap!

"They'll kill you." Bliss smiled.

Victor laughed.

"That won't happen. Now that we have Spark, we'll be able to stop the Avengers."

Bliss's smile faded.

The door opened and two men walked in.

"While we wait for your friends to show up, we're going to have some fun." Victor got up and brought a medical tray over to Bliss.

"Have your way with her gentlemen." Victor said as he left the room.

The two men tackled Bliss and began to beat her senseless. She tried to fight back and managed to punch one of the men, but it didn't seem to affect him. He quickly grabbed her neck and started choking her.

"Hey!" The other man shouted,"we're not supposed to kill her yet!" He tried to get him off of her but the man knocked him out.

Bliss tried to get his hands off of her neck but he held on tight.

Bliss began to see spots in her vision. Her eyes rolled back and she went limp.

Suddenly the guys grip on Bliss's neck loosened and Bliss fell to the floor.

Bliss coughed and gasped for air.

The men were nowhere to be found. The only person in the room was Kyle.

He looked at Bliss worried. Then he shook it off and left the room.


Kyle walked back and forth in his room. Why did that girl look so familiar to him? It hurt his brain just to think about her.

Where is she from? Who is she?!

Kyle slammed his hand into the wall in frustration. He took out his hand and noticed he had made a small hole in the wall.

This girl was making him go crazy. Kyle had to do something about it.

"She must be destroyed." Kyle said quietly. He made electricity dance across his hands and headed out of his room. Kyle then made his way towards the girl.

"Maybe," Kyle thought," if I get rid of her, this pain will stop."

She was his mission, and he was determined to complete it!

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