Snow, Snow and more Snow!

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"This sucks!" Bliss whined as she trudged through the snowy forest.

Bliss suddenly heard a loud engine landing nearby and ran to see what it was.

"Any idea on how to find her?" A man asked.

Bliss hid behind a tree to get a good look at the people. She tried to get closer and stepped on a twig.

Bliss tightly closed her eyes.

"What was that?" A man whispered.

Bliss could hear the sound of someone's boots coming closer to her. They crunched in the snow, the sound became louder as they got close to Bliss. Then it stopped.

A hand reached around and slowly reached for her face. Before the hand could grab her, Bliss shot up breathing heavily.

"Stupid dreams." Bliss muttered.

Bliss stood up and brushed the snow off of her. She cursed herself for falling asleep. Now HYDRA was probably close.

Bliss checked her gear and made sure it was all there, which it was. Then she continued in the night.

She walked a good mile or two then stopped. Bliss could hear the faint sound of barking.

Bliss's eyes grew.

"Since when did they have dogs?!" Bliss exclaimed as she picked up the pace. Her walk turned into a full on sprint as she heard the sound get closer.

Bliss sprinted and dodged tree branches in her way. The sounds of barking were really close now!

Bliss looked back and saw dark shadows chasing her. What she didn't see was that the ground she was running on dramatically declined.

"Whoa!" Bliss said as she slid down the icy hill to the ground below.

The dogs stopped chasing her and tried to find a way down. They barked and whined to reach their prey. But soon they retreated.

"I gotta get out of this place." Bliss huffed.

Bliss looked around and saw snow to her left, snow to her right and more snow in front of her and behind her.

"Well," Bliss said,"this is just great! I'm completely surrounded by snow!" Bliss shook her head and headed straight. She hoped to find some sort of civilization on the way.


"She WHAT?!" Victor shouted.

Rick knew something bad was going to come after this.

"I was bringing her here and all of a sudden she kicked me in the back and escaped. I tried to grab her but I couldn't move."

Victor sighed.

"Go get the Spark," Victor said,"lets prep him and brainwash him completely." Victor turned back to his paperwork while Rick went to get Spark.


Kyle sat in his locked room making electricity dance across his hands. A knock at his door made him stop.

"Lets go Spark." Rick said.

Kyle furrowed his brows at the name but complied.

He followed Rick until they got into the room with the "Memory Swipe" machine.

"Sit down." Rick said as he pushed Kyle into the machines chair. He strapped Kyle down and prepared the machine.

"I'm terribly sorry that we have to do this," Victor said as he came into the room," but we need you the most right now." Victor began to type things on a computer.

The machine tilted Kyle back and began its process.

The only thing you could hear in the room was Kyle's screams.

"Find the girl," Victor told Spark,"I don't care if you have to kill her, just get her here!"

Spark headed towards the forest where the girl was last seen running into. HYDRA needed the Winter Soldier back, and the only way to get him was to get this girl.

Spark walked deeper and deeper into the forest and found boot prints. They seemed calm at first but then the person picked up their pace and ran. This led Spark to an icy hill where he saw more boot prints at the bottom.

He slid down the hill and followed the tracks. Spark followed these tracks for hours and hours until he found what he was looking for. His mission.

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