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"Stop touching my ankle Tony!" Bliss whined,"it hurts!"

"It's been months Bliss," Tony said as he tried to take off the cast on Bliss's foot,"just stop squirming!"

After a few minutes of struggling, Tony finally managed to get the cast off.

"There, it's off, finally." Tony said as he tossed the cast over to Bruce.

Bliss wiggled her toes and stretched.

"My leg is really pale." Bliss said.

"That's because of the cast." Tony said.

Bliss carefully swung her legs over the side of the bed. Then she slowly lowered herself to the floor and stood perfectly on both feet.

"Now try not to run or trip," Bruce said,"it could make it worse for your ankle."

Bliss nodded her head and walked out of the lab. She headed towards her room and sat on the couch.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Pull up the patients that were recently tested on at any HYDRA bases." Bliss waited.

Soon the TV turned on and showed the victims. They were all under the age of twenty. All of them either had parents who were later killed, or had no parents at all.

Bliss looked through all of them and stopped when she saw him. Kyle.

Bliss moved his file to her computer and turned off the TV. She then opened his file and gasped.

~ Flashback ~

"Kyle, what are you doing here?" Bliss asked.

Kyle was wearing an army uniform. He looked a bit sad.

"I was accepted into the army Bliss." Kyle said with a small smile.

"You're joking aren't you?" Bliss said.

Kyle only shook his head.

"I came to say goodbye." Kyle's smile faded.

"I don't want you to say goodbye." Bliss tried to hold back her tears.

"You're too young to go!" Bliss looked at Kyle with sad eyes.

Kyle chuckled.

"I'm nineteen, almost twenty, I'm not that young."

Bliss hugged him and let her tears flow. Then she stepped back and wiped her eyes.

"You have to write to me." Bliss smiled.

"Of course." Kyle said.

Bliss pecked Kyle on the cheek and told him it was for good luck.

As Kyle was heading towards the car waiting for him, Bliss called his name.

"Come back in one piece Kyle!" Bliss smiled.

Kyle laughed.

"I'll try." Then he got in the car and left.

A few months past. Bliss was getting a whole bunch of letters from Kyle. Each letter filled her with joy. Each month Bliss was looking forward to his letters. Bliss had gotten letters for a whole year when suddenly, they stopped.

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