Leaving you wounded

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This chapter may be short too, sorry 😅.

Bliss sunk down to the bottom of the river. Her eyes started to see things. Bliss saw a hand reach out for her. Then her vision faded. Next thing Bliss knew, she was being pulled out of the water and brought back to shore.

Bliss coughed up water and took one look at the person who had saved her.

His back was turned away from her as he walked away. His hands sparked here and there. Then his form disappeared. Like he wasn't even there.

"Kyle." Bliss weakly whispered.

"Bliss!" A voice echoed.

"Dying." Bliss coughed.

She saw her father and everyone else around her.

Bucky had tears in his eyes. The sight of his dying daughter made them fall.

"Bliss," Bucky held his daughters metal hand in his," stay with me, please."

"Cold," Bliss whispered,"bleeding, dying." Tears escaped her eyes.

"We need to get her to a hospital." Bucky said.

Bucky picked up his dying daughter and carried her back to the quinjet.

Everyone got in and it soon took off.

Bliss's vision faded in and out. She grabbed Bucky's suit to get his attention.

"I'm sorry," Bliss cried," I thought I could change him."

"Hey," Bucky said as tears fell down his face,"you did what you wanted too, you struck a nerve in him."

Bliss looked at her father confused.

"I did?" Bliss asked.

"Yes, he saved you." Bucky said.

Bliss started to cough up more blood. Then she started gasping for air.

"We need to get to a hospital, NOW!" Bucky yelled.

The quinjet landed close to a hospital and everyone rushed off. Bliss was taken to surgery immediately. Before she went in she grabbed her fathers arm tightly and said,

"If I don't make it, you can't blame yourself," Bliss smiled,"and you have to take care of them, especially Tony."

Bucky laughed and wiped his eyes.

"I promise." Bucky smiled.

Bliss was wheeled into surgery and all the Avengers waited.

And hour passed and Bucky was becoming worried. Two hours and Nat was asleep on a long chair next to Steve and Bruce. Three hours passed and a doctor came out.

Bucky got up and walked over to the doctor.

"How is she?" Bucky asked.

The doctor sighed and scratched his head.

"We managed to fix that wound and others but-."

"But what?" Bucky cut off the doctor.

"With her state, after the surgery," the doctor paused, he had a hard time finding the right words," she's in a coma. We don't know if or when she'll wake up. I'm sorry." The doctor then walked away.

Bucky turned around and told everyone what state Bliss was in. They all went to her room, walked in and looked at her condition.

Bucky walked to the right side of her bed and grabbed her hand. He prayed that she would wake up. Bucky didn't want her to die. This was his daughter, and if she died, Bucky would have a hard time forgetting her.

"I swear," Bucky started," if you die, I will be so mad." Bucky smiled and let the tears roll down his cheeks. "I can't lose you." Bucky whispered into Bliss's ear.


"I can't lose you." A voice echoed throughout her mind.

"Wake up!" Bliss demanded herself,"please wake up!!"

Bliss tried to open her eyes but they felt so heavy. She tried to move her arms, her legs, anything! But nothing worked.

"I can't leave him," Bliss thought,"I can't and I won't."

Bliss was determined to fight this. She would fight this for years. Bliss would only have one month left until the doctors decided to pull the plug on her. Bliss hoped she would wake up. But fate may have other plans for her.


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