Helping the Memory

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Bucky stared at the computer screen in front of him. Stark had surprisingly given Bucky access to everything in Bliss's file.

Bucky went through a bunch of news articles after Bliss was reported "MISSING". Then he came upon one news article where it read, "Search for Missing girl ends after body was found buried in the forest by old fair grounds. One witness said they heard screaming then gun shots. They checked it out to find a girl with at least six to eight gun shot wounds on her chest, legs and arms. The girl was dead as soon as the man arrived to help her. 

Bucky sucked in a breath and prepared himself for what he was about to see next.

As he scrolled down the article, he came upon some pictures of the crime scene. The forest seemed to be creepy and horrifying to even want to go in there. Police tape wrapped around four oddly bent trees creating a square shape. The next picture showed a body covered by a coat or something, the pictures quality wasn't so good.

Bucky went from news article to news article until he came upon a few videos of Bliss in the HYDRA facility. He clicked on one and it began to play.

A man in a white lab coat holding a clipboard came into the room and sat down facing a girl. Her blonde hair was a mess. Her skin pale and covered in blood, cuts and bruises. She held her head down staring blankly at the floor. She wore a hospital gown that had blood on it. Her left arm was metal and had a red star on her shoulder. Bucky knew this girl, his daughter, named Bliss.

"Good evening," the man said trying to sound happy but failed,"my name is Victor, I will be asking you a few questions if you don't mind." Victor waited on a response from Bliss but didn't get one. "Alright then I'll take that as a yes. Let's start by asking you some basic questions. What's your name?"

There was silence for two minutes until Victor asked Bliss the question again.

"what's your name?" Victor asked sounding impatient.

Bliss didn't answer him, she continued to stare blankly at the floor.

Victor wasn't happy about this and motioned his hand towards Bliss. A man that was built came over to Bliss and forcefully pushed her head up to look at him.

"Answer him or you'll have to answer to Winter!" The man then took his hands off her head and walked back behind Victor.

Bliss's eyes grew wide in fear at the mention of Winter. And that's when she began to talk.

"M–my name I–is Bliss," her voice shook.

The man smiled at her.

"Good. Now, explain to me why you're here." Victor began to write notes on his clipboard.

Bliss looked right at Victor with anger in her eyes.

"You killed my father!" Bliss spat,"I'm here because I'm one of you're little freak science experiments! You killed him! You killed him!" Bliss screamed the last words.

Victor sighed and stood up, moving towards the door. A medical cart was wheeled next to Bliss.

"I really didn't want to do this to you Bliss, I really didn't. But you gave me no choice." Victor looked over to one of his guards and said, "bring him in." Then Victor left.

Bliss sat in the room for only two minutes until Winter stepped into the room.

Bliss's breathing became faster, her skin looked paler than before. She completely lost it. She kicked and screamed and grabbed at the leather binds on her wrist which didn't do anything for her. Tears streamed down her face as she looked into the eyes of Winter. He wore a mask to cover his true identity. His hair was dark brown and long. He wore a battle suit that had long sleeves covering both of his arms. His pants were black as well as his boots.

He didn't speak at all, just bent down to Bliss's level and stared at her. He then grabbed a medical knife from off of the medical tray and looked at it as if it were gold. Then Winter placed the cold blade on Bliss's arm. Bliss whimpered and prepared herself for the pain.

Winter made a quick slash on Bliss's arm and did the same to her face and legs. Her screams made Bucky slam his laptop close and shove it off the table.

Bucky sat there staring at the wall. He had brought pain to Bliss, he did that to her!

Steve had stepped into Buckys room to find his laptop on the floor, broken. He looked towards his friend to find him staring Blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Bucky," Steve said,"you alright?"

Bucky looked towards Steve with sadness in his eyes. then he looked at his hands.

"I hurt her Steve," Buckys voice shook,"I hurt her."

Steve walked over to the couch where Bucky was and sat down next to him.

"You hurt who Buck?" Steve asked.

"Bliss, I hurt my own daughter!" Bucky ran his metal hand through his hair."I remember it all now, her screams, her cries for help, I could sense the fear she felt of seeing him, of seeing Winter!"

Bucky looked at Steve and continued.

"She doesn't even know me Steve. If she did, she doesn't know that I'm the Winter Soldier. She doesn't know that I killed thousands of innocent people!"

Steve placed his hand on Buckys shoulder.

"Bucky," Steve said,"you didn't kill innocent people Winter did, you had no control over it. Don't beat yourself up about that ok. HYDRA did that to you."

Bucky let out a nervous sigh.

"What happens when she finds out the truth about me? What will she think of me?" Bucky looked up at Steve with worried eyes.

"I honestly don't know Buck," Steve said," but for some reason, deep down, I feel like she loves you for you Bucky, you're her dad, no one can take you away from her, I won't allow it."

Bucky let out a small laugh.

"Sometimes I still wonder how you come up with speeches like that."

"It's just in you." Steve smiled.

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