Trigger Words

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Late in the night Bliss was lying peacefully in bed. She didn't have a single nightmare. But, she kept hearing this voice. It was quiet for a good 10-20 minutes, but then it got louder.

Bliss flinched awake. Her breathing quickened then slowed as she realized nobody was in her room. She tried closing her eyes, but she felt too awake. So, she left her room and went to the kitchen to find a bottle of water. Her feet scuffling on the floor as she made her way to the fridge.

Once she got onto the cold tile floor, she carefully felt for the fridges door handle. Once she touched it, Bliss pulled open the right side of the fridge. The bright light making her squint to see. Once she found a water bottle, Bliss took it and closed the door.

She headed towards her room only to not even make it out of the kitchen when she heard a voice say,


Bliss's heart stopped, her eyes grew wide with fear. Her body froze in place.

"No." Bliss whispered, her voice cracking.

Bliss moved one foot in front of the other and tried to act as if nothing happened. But she knew that something did happen, and she knew that something would happen if all the words were said.

Bliss would turn back into the assassin she was made to be!

When Bliss reached the hard wood floor in the living room, she heard the same voice again.


Bliss dropped the water bottle onto the floor and grabbed the sides of her head.

"Stop!" Bliss cried.

She had to get someone before something bad happened!

She tried again to walk to her room when the voice came back.


Bliss fell to the floor, tears fiercely flowing down her face. Her hands still on her head.

"NO!" Bliss cried with anger.

She covered her ears to see if it did anything, but Bliss knew it wouldn't help.


"Please, stop!" Bliss cried.

Bliss's mind was becoming fuzzy. She couldn't see anything clearly.

Suddenly F.R.I.D.A.Y. came on.

"Are you alright?" The computer voice asked.

Bliss tried her best to steady her breathing as best she could.

"Who's awake, tell me who's awake!"

"Captain Rogers." Is all she said.

"Get. Me. Captain. Rogers. NOW!" bliss was losing her mind.

"Right away." Then the room became silent.

"Control it damn it!" Bliss cursed herself.


Bliss slammed both hands onto the floor. Her metal arm creating a dent.

"STOP!" Bliss screamed.

Bliss heard loud footsteps running towards her but she chose to ignore it.


Bliss felt hands shaking her and her first instinct was to kill who ever it was shaking her. But when she looked up, she saw Steve calling her name.

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