Something's Wrong

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"We've been searching for this kid for hours!" Tony rubbed his eyes.

"Keep looking." Bliss said as she typed on a computer. She was trying to find the file she had shown the Avengers last night, but it was missing.

Bliss searched and searched four times trying to find the file, but nothing came up. Bliss went through her emails, links, pictures, anything she might have seen the file in. But they showed nothing.

"Something's wrong,"Bliss said frustrated,"that file is missing."

"What? How?" Bruce said as he took Bliss's laptop.

"Um guys," Natasha said,"look at this." She turned her computer around for everyone to see. A picture of Bliss was shown next to a birth date and the year she died. But the year was this year. Across Bliss's picture, in big red letters was the word DECEASED.

"That doesn't make any sense," Bliss said,"I'm still alive."

"Who wrote that?" Steve asked.

Nat shook her head.

"It doesn't say."

"HYDRA's coming to get me." Bliss whispered to herself, but everyone heard it.

"Why do you say that?" Tony asked.

"They don't need me anymore," Bliss said,"they have Kyle now, he's better than me. They know I have a lot of information about them and my missions, but I obviously don't remember. They must think I'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D. or something." Bliss started to worry.

"If they are coming for you," Steve started,"they have to go through us first."

Suddenly the lights went out, and the only source of light was the sun light spilling in from the windows.

"That's very patriotic of you Captain." A voice echoed.

All the Avengers looked around to see who they were dealing with. Then the room began to have a blue glow.

Kyle stepped out of hiding and into the living room. Electricity danced all over him.

"Wow," he said,"all of you trapped in this tiny room. But I'm not really here for you," Kyle gestured towards the Avengers,"I'm really here for her." Kyle pointed directly at Bliss.

Bliss blinked and smiled.

"Oh, are you pointing at me?" Bliss asked,"sorry, forgot to turn this off." Suddenly Bliss disappeared. In fact it wasn't Bliss at all, it was one of Tony's holograms.

Kyle grew furious. Electricity struck the walls and the floor.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Kyle yelled.

A small metallic noise was heard. Then it stopped. Kyle looked down and saw a silver ball that was about the size of a ping pong ball. Before he could move it exploded. Bliss then jumped out of her hiding spot and attacked Kyle. They stumbled towards the windows and Bliss pulled back as hard as she could to make one break. The two fell out the window. Kyle had fallen a few feet before he flew away, and Bliss hung onto the windowsill for dear life. Bucky pulled her up and moved her away from the window.

"Are you ok?" Bucky asked,"are you hurt?"

"I'm fine dad." Bliss said with a smile.

"Do you know how expensive those windows are?" Tony joked.

Bliss laughed.

"I did that on purpose."

"Well," Bruce started,"that was easy."

Bliss looked out the broken window.

"Too easy." Bliss whispered.

The Avengers got the window fixed and went back to their search. They did this until it was dark outside.

Bliss took a break and went to her room. She searched for the light switch and turned on the lights. Her walls had blood all over them. Pictures of all her missions where on her walls. There was a large picture of her mothers dead body placed right in the middle of the wall. On the wall to the left, written in blood were the words, YOU'RE NEXT!

Bliss let out a scream of panic. She couldn't stop staring at the walls.

Bucky and the others came running into her room and stopped.

"Oh my god!" Nat said disgusted.

Bucky grabbed Bliss and held her in his arms.

"I have to leave." Bliss whispered so only her father could hear.

"What? No!" Bucky took Bliss out into the hallway.

"They're going to come after me, and when they do they'll kill you and everyone else." Bliss had tears falling down her face.

"You leave," Bucky started,"and they'll kill you."

After hours of cleaning Bliss's room, the Avengers and Bliss all went to bed.

Bliss waited for three hours until she knew everyone was asleep. Then she started packing. She zipped up her backpack, grabbed a jacket and some gloves and headed out her room. Then she walked out of the tower and blended with the crowd. Bliss didn't know where she was going, but she just wanted to get far away from her family and friends as possible.


The Avengers sat at the kitchen table talking and eating breakfast.

"Has anyone seen Bliss this morning?" Bucky asked.

"I haven't seen her at all this morning." Steve said.

Bucky pushed back his chair and ran to Bliss's room. He threw open her door and looked around her room.

"Bucky what's wrong?" Steve asked as he ran into the room.

"Bliss is gone," Bucky said," she left because she thought she was going to get us all killed."

"We need to find her," Steve said," HYDRA's probably after her right now, they could've planned this."

"I have a feeling they did plan this." Bucky said.

Bucky and Steve looked for any clues on where Bliss may be going. They needed to find her, and soon.

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