Chapter One

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Giving nothing and everything, the son of Satan will lose what's more important.

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The early morning was something that every thing in life dreaded. No one more than Rin Okumura, who woke up every hour with restless sleep the night before. His eyes were bloodshot with bags underneath, painting his exhaustion. His lips pulled back into a scowl as he sat up, rubbing his eyes as he leaned against the wall. The half demon glanced over to where his brother sleeps, only to find him still so. The sound of an alarm rang through the room and he realized he woke up before his brother. That was an amazing feat, especially since he hated getting up.

  The morning light was covered by gray clouds. Yukio Okumura sat up after turning off the alarm. His teal colored eyes landed on the hunch over form of the older twin. He was about to tell him to get up and change when the older one stumbled out of bed out of the room. Blinking back his surprise, Yuko stood and out his glasses on, wincing as he heard a retching sound. He quickly made his way to the bathroom to help him to calm down. By the time he got there, the retching stopped and the toilet flushed. He walked into the bathroom to find his brother brushing his teeth. He earned his signature lopsided grin. "Nii-San?"

  "I'm fine, Yukio. Don't worry much. I must've eaten something bad," he responded, quickly dismissing the problem. He hated the feeling that came over him. It was the same restlessness and nauseating feeling that came over when something bad was going to happen. It always happened if it dealt with his brother, or him, or just something more. The demon knew that this was something he shouldn't look over. He just needed to keep his brother in the dark about it.

  To overview everything, he had a bad feeling. He was going to have to keep his guard up because something was going to go wrong. Something that involved his younger brother and him, something that was a threat to them both.

* * *

Getting through the day seemed fairly well, the keeping an eye on his brother was thrown to hell. He only saw him once and that was during lunch. He just needed to get to his class and make sure his brother wasn't hurt in any way; only then, could he be reassured that his feeling was wrong and he was only coming down with something. Rin Okumura grew nervous as he came closer to the Cram School classroom. He knew he was early, but he didn't care. The earlier he was there, the earlier he could be reassured that his brother was okay.

  "Whoa, Okumura is actually early for the first time," commented a pink haired kid named Renzou Shima. This got many looks to which he pointedly ignored. He didn't see his brother, so he sat down. Why do I feel so anxious? His leg was bouncing as he glanced at the door. My brother is an Exorcist, one of the best so he should be able to take care of himself.

A dual color haired guy by the name of Ryuji Suguro frowned at the anxious tension coming from the half demon. They weren't really talking to him much, but slowly were they becoming friends again. So, upon seeing the overly cheerful guy be anxious and constantly throw glances at the door, he knew that he should bring up the situation. "Hey, Okumura, are you okay?"

  "Ah, have you seen my brother, by any chance?" Before they could get a word in, his brother came in and they could see the tension relax upon seeing him. What was going on? They didn't question it as Rin sat down and looked away from studying his younger brother. He wasn't hurt. That was the good thing. So why did he still have an uneasy feeling? Why—?

  "We have a new student joining us," announced Yukio, cutting the demon's thoughts off. Rin could see the hidden malice in his voice as he spoke about the new student joining them. Whoever this new student was, his brother wasn't fond of him. The human twin's eyes landed on his demonic twin, a warning gleaming in those eyes. "I suggest you welcome and help him, do not get into fights with him. Keep your secret." The last sentence was quieter, directed towards him.

  Thanks for singling me out, brother. He couldn't really be too pissed off with his brother since he knew it was for the best. Just who was the guy that his brother hated the most? His question was answered when his eyes widened at the sight of the guy who walked in. Him! No, that couldn't be him. Probably someone who looked like him. The hope died when their eyes locked and a sadistic smirk came to his lips. Everyone watched the interaction, their instincts screaming that they should step in before a fight happened. The expression on the human was enough to send shivers down the spines of others. There was something immensely wrong with the guy. "Long time no see, Rin."

  That lavender haired bastard! How was he even here? In Cram School? Why was my luck so bad that it just had to wind up with him being here? This bitch was not going to hurt anyone here. Rin was seething as his hands clenched, nails digging into his fleshy palms as he glowered at the new student. This was the reason why he had a bad feeling. This bastard was just gonna make everything worse. No wonder Yukio told him to not blow his secret.

The people watched and they could tell there was bad blood between the two of them. Yukio did nothing to stop this transaction between old enemies. If things got out of hand then he would step in, but for now, he left it to Rin. "I was hoping to never see you again, you sadistic bastard."

"Now, now, Rin, should you really be talking? After all, how did you get into this school with your, ah, reputation?" Did this guy not know when to quit? "But no matter how hard you try, you will get expelled soon."

"Is that a threat?" he hissed, glaring up at him. He suppressed his flames as he didn't want to let his secret out just yet. Yukio pursed his lips, knowing he needed to step in but he couldn't bring himself to. "Because, it's quite a weak one, Shiratori. You're losing your touch, because you won't ever do anything to harm me. It doesn't matter how rich you are, or whatever trouble I get into, so listen and listen closely, harm anyone or anything, I won't be quite as kind when it comes to hurt you. I suggest you stop wasting people's time here and go sit down."

The guy known as Reiji Shiratori clicked his tongue and sat behind Rin, who bore a dark look that promised murder to the next person that speaks to him. Yukio glanced at his brother then at the new student, walking towards the demon and muttering that they'll need to speak later. He earned a stiff nod as the teacher went on explaining a few things for Shiratori before starting his lesson.

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