Chapter Twelve

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Rin cried out at the feeling of being touched by a foreign hand. The cry echoed and reached the ears of his twin who was with Kuro. The Cat Sidhe perked up and growled lowly. Rin! He's in trouble! Yukio! He dashed out, not stopping to check if the human was behind him. He knocked the door open and saw a creature like thing standing over the vulnerable spawn of Satan. "A Drude?" Yukio's voice captured the attention of the demon, who turned to the twin of its future king. The demon scowled as it made eye contact with the young Exorcist that was trying to keep the Prince of Gehenna away from his true home.

  Thou shalt not take the prince away!

  Rin is not going with you! Kuro lunged at the Drude, scratching the demon's skinny twig of an arm. He kept the thing's attention away from his friend, giving Yukio the chance to grab his brother and his guns and run out. He called Mephisto (who did not like the interruption of his ani—uh, work). Yukio swore under his breath as his brother's perplexed and worried face showed how ill he was feeling. He didn't think demons could get sick. Then again, Rin was also human but him getting sick was one in a millionth chance. People could win the lottery before he would ever fall ill. At least that was what Yukio believed. He placed Rin down and told him not to try and do anything as he went to go help Kuro, ignoring the smartass reply that his childish brother gave.

  Mephisto muttered an "oh dear" as he walked into the room that Rin was in. He kneeled down and studied the demon. He pressed a bare hand against the teen's forehead, humming as he thought what it could be. "Have you been feeling this way for the past two days or has this just happened?"

  "It's a coming and going type of thing," he whispered, concentrating on not throwing up just yet. Mephisto was taken aback by the fact that the rebellious teenager actually cooperated and answered him, but of course, he didn't let it show outwardly. No, that wouldn't be good whatsoever. Rin blinked and curled up into himself, his breathing uneven. "Usually, when ... feel ... bad ... gonna happen." He groaned as he coughed violently, feeling bile rise up. "Never ... been li'e this." He choked as he tried to force back the bile. He didn't need to throw up in front of this clown. He was still stubborn and believed that no one should ever see him in such a state, being weak was not something he liked showing to people.

Mephisto had an out-of-place pained look on his face, not liking seeing his youngest brother like this. Ha! That's a laugh. heartless demon feeling human emotions! Oh, how the mighty have fallen! He knew that his brothers would laugh and jest at the fact that the seemingly heartless of an older brother actually showing sentimentals to a mere half demon spawn. He didn't like that thought. No. He wouldn't think of it that way. He needed the boy as a mere pawn, that was how he convinced himself as Samael moved the young demon to where he could throw up and not have to choke on the bile that is most likely burning his throat, grimacing at hearing the sound of retching. He rubbed his brother's back, looking away from the vomit that splashed onto the ground. His gaze was on the human twin of his brother, who now stood at the doorway with a sickened look on his face.

  "The Drude is gone now. Kuro took care of it. How's Rin?" Yuko asked as he kneeled beside his sick brother. He placed a comforting hand on the trembling shoulder of his brother, hoping to calm him down a bit. Mephisto gave his sarcastic comment, which brought an annoyed expression from the young human. Seriously, is every one of Satan's children this sarcastic? He didn't have an answer, but he had a feeling that yes they did. It was probably worse when it comes to Satan (he was probably the most sarcastic person in the entire universe). That thought alone creeped him out. He had never met him (he hoped to never meet such a despicable being ever), but Rin had. The young exorcist would have probably already had ask if he knew it wouldn't bring up terrible memories for the older of the two.

Giving Mephisto's initial direction a glare, Rin sat up and leaned against Yukio, despising the fact that they both saw him in such a terrible way that he could basically just die of embarrassment. He coughed and shook his head, groaning as he felt his body warm up a tremendous amount. Beads of sweat rolled down his face and neck, struggling to breathe once again. Mephisto noticed and got the demon into a better position, placing his head between his knees after taking the shirt off to help cool his body down. "This is getting ridiculous," the Demon King of Time muttered to himself. He glanced at Yukio and said, "I'm taking Rin to my place so I can take care of him, you get sleep."

  He didn't give the twin much time to even respond. He disappeared with the older twin after counting to three in German. Yukio sighed and shook his head, getting to his feet and cleaning up. He noticed Kuro at the doorway, a worried look painted on the demonic cat's face. "Let's get some sleep, hopefully Rin is better tomorrow."

* * *

Mephisto was in his office, staring at the sleeping form of his younger brother. It was quite a sight for the older demon. It was odd that demon (or merely a half demon) became as ill as this one did. How did such a thing happen? "Usually, when I feel something bad is gonna happen." Mephisto couldn't help but think, So he feels ill when a bad feeling comes over him almost like an omen. That was quite peculiar indeed. If this happened because of the Drude, then why hadn't it passed yet? Was there more to happen or was it a combination of an illness and feeling an omen. The demon rubbed his forehead, looking over to the Demon King of Earth, who was staring at the half demon with an expressionless face as he ate chips.

  "Brother, why did you bring him here? Wouldn't he be better off with his twin?" Leave it to Amaimon to question his every decision that involves the ebony hair teen. He never seemed to understand why his brother and his father was so interested in the youngest child of Satan. He saw something in him when they fought but he still couldn't understand why they didn't want to leave him alone.

  Mephisto opened his mouth to explain when the boy erupted in the same blue flames of their father. He blinked in surprise and was about to be at the boy's side when he heard it. That voice that belonged to someone really annoying, yet fearsome. "Well, this was quite easy," he said, snickering as he sat up, his flaming blue eyes on the two Demon Kings. "Now, Samael, Amaimon, tell me why Rin is hurt to the point of blindness and immobility."

  Oh, Father, how you have such a story to hear. One that even I am too afraid to explain.

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