Chapter Three

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Thought as nothing, kept to being the weapon, he's known as unimportant.

* * *

Kuro was on Rin's shoulder as the latter crossed the threshold into the class. He had noticed the sudden drop in temperature as they made their way into a thick tension. Shiratori was grinning from ear to ear as his gaze met the demon's. His attention was brought to the cat that rested in his rival's shoulders. "Well, what do we have here? Rin actually made a friend?" he teased, laughing at the dark look that was showing on his face. "Quite a beautiful specimen."

Rin growled with animosity, the snarl showing his sharp teeth. The other students took a step back at the anger that lit up their friend's face. This was not good whatsoever. "Rin," Shiemi spoke, breaking the tension. The demon turned to her and noticed the way they all seemed to be nervous, calming down.

"Oh!" Shiratori laughed at the display of affection between them. "Oh, don't tell me. You've gone soft! What happened to the demon that I've known for so long? What happened to the one who would beat anyone and anything for fun?" The reaction was just what he wanted. Apparent confusion spreading through the others as rage was overtaking calmness. "Oh, I see. You uphold a facade. You keep them in the dark so that they don't hate you."

Rin glanced at the cat seeing the anger in the animal for the lies that the human was spreading. "I never beat people for fun. I always have a reason for the things I do unlike a sadist I know." The son of Satan made his way to his seat, placing his things down as he sat with Shiemi and tapped the surface of the desk. "But if you want to continue spreading lies, I won't stop you. After all, you can only live with money, without it you're nothing."

  Shima sucked in a hiss of breath, shaking his hand as if he burnt it. "Dang, you got roasted," he said, laughing loudly. He was elbowed by Bon to shut up when they noticed the expression. Shiratori was about to stomp over but was blocked by Rin. The two glared at each other before a smirk came across the sadist's face. The confusion was apparent in Rin's eyes when seeing this. The former backed down, making his way to his desk while the latter stayed in his place, watching the other with a criticizing gaze.

  Kuro hissed at the human, tail rising and ears flattening upon sensing something off with such a disgusting creature. Rin placed a hand on the head of the Cat Sidhe and shook his head as a signal to not do anything. Yukio walked in at the moment sensing the tense atmosphere, his gaze traveled to the two demons in the room. "Okumura-kun, is something wrong with Kuro?"

"He feels like something bad is going to happen." Rin didn't think about his answer, earning looks of inquiries from everyone in the room as he kept trying to to calm the demon familiar. "Don't give me those looks, that's all I can tell. Just get with the lesson already." Kuro hissed at the human once more before sitting on Rin's lap and curling up to sleep.

  Shiratori glared at the familiar before raising his hand. If Rin wanted to continue on teasing him, then he would be happy to oblige to the challenge being set up. "I'm sorry to bother you, Sensei, but is it okay for animals to have another animal as a pet?"

  Rin's lips were pulled back into a snarl, eyes shining with hostility. The want to kill this bastard was getting so great that he almost let his demonic side out. He simply forced himself to turn away from the idiot, looking at his brother to see the annoyed and unamused expression on his face. "Okay, so we'll be leaning about the different types of ghouls today," Yukio said, launching into a long winded explanation completely ignoring the teen's question. This didn't settle well with the lavender haired sadist. His gaze flicked over to Rin who wasn't even paying attention, attention settled on that ugly cat. Oh, well now he knew what to do to hurt Rin. He could see how affectionate the demon was to the cat which prompted a smirk to adorn his face. He turned back to face the chalkboard. Just wait, Rin, I'll hit you where it hurts. Starting with that stupid cat.

  The class went on without a hitch, surprisingly Rin stayed awake the entire time. He kept his attention on two people as he tried to figure out what he needed to do and how to approach the problem. Uncharacteristic of him, he knew but this was something he needed to think about. He didn't tell anyone about his past and Yukio only seen the surface. This little idiot knew more than he's worth and if he didn't tread carefully he would reveal everything. Being known as an idiot meant nothing, he knew that he had to be careful with this guy. He wasn't stupid, he was just street smart. He learned by experience not sitting and listening. He needed action. He was a different learner.

  Once the class was over, the Ex-wires made their way out. Shiratori watched the demon follow the group, humming as he grinned. He made his way out, unaware of Yukio having seen the look on his face. The younger twin called Kirigakure Shura to keep an eye on his brother since someone from their past was back and he was afraid of what would happen. "Thanks, Shura. I just hope he can keep his secret this time around."

"Okumura-Sensei!" Koneko came in running, his face flushed and eyes wide. He was frightened and needed the younger twin to help. "It's Rin!" He didn't explain further, grabbing his wrist and leading him away. He led him to where the incident was being taken place.

Shiratori was holding Kuro by the scruff while Rin was trembling with rage as he was yelling at the other to leave him alone. He was holding back his flames, but he couldn't do it forever. The others were not sure what to do other than hold Rin back from attacking the human who held his familiar hostage. Yukio has never seen Rin as angry as he had been then. He couldn't do anything, he glanced at Kuro who was worried for Rin albeit being in the grasp of an animal abuser. "Rin, please calm down."

  Rin didn't listen to the Cat Sidhe, glaring at the human. "Shiratori, leave him alone!" He watched with wide eyes as he brought out a knife, holding it to the throat of the cat. He was threatening to slit its throat and skin it like he had done to a bunny. "I'm going to kill you!" He struggled against the three people holding him back. Izumo, Shima, and Bon were really struggling to keep a grip on the demon even though he wasn't even using all
of his strength.

  The guy only grinned dropping the cat and putting away the blade. Rin's response was what he wanted to hear and he finally got it. He pulled out his phone and followed up by pausing the recording. He waved the recorder with a triumphant smirk since his plan worked out quite well. "I'm glad to hear that you haven't changed your demonic ways after all this time. If you lay a finger on me, I'll gladly have you arrested." Shiratori laughed and walked away, leaving them to themselves.

  Rin's friends let him go as he dropped to his knees, picking up Kuro and holding him close. "Rin, I'm okay. Don't worry, but that guy should worry for his own life. I won't forgive him for doing that to you and me."

  "Nii-San?" Yukio stepped forward and worriedly looked at his brother. "What happened?" He earned a glare from the twin, his eyes falling downcast onto the familiar who was comforting his friend. The Demon Prince was done taking the hits, if the other pulls another stunt like he did, he would show him what a son of Satan could do not caring of the consequences. "Nii-San, please don't get into any fights. I'll see what I can do to keep him away from you. Okay?"

  "Okay." His gaze remained on the cat, yet it seemed to look through the familiar. It was as if he was blind to reality, his mind somewhere else as he petted Kuro's head. His friends looked at the non-responsive teen with concern. Ryuji and Izumo were pissed off, as was his brother but his expression was overcome with worry.

* * *

Shura was being informed by the younger twin about what had been going on and of his worry for his older brother. The woman was frowning as she thought about the situation. "Just make sure ta keep them away from each other, either by missions or have him be doin' somethin' like trainin' on the roof. Either way just make sure that they're away from each other. I'll be helpin' as well by keeping an eye on that sick bastard. From what ya told me, I don' trust the guy ta be with any of the other Ex-wires alone. So during pairin' missions I will be his partner."

Yukio nodded and sighed in relief at the problem having been solved. How bad was their luck? This was just getting ridiculous! How did anyone think this was a good idea to begin with? Surely Mephisto knew of their past with the guy, so why would he put him in an exorcist class? The demon principal was going to get a lecture from the young Exorcist. He wasn't going to standby because that demon had plans for his brother. He was going to confront his guardian about this, no way was he letting this slip by. Mephisto would need some serious medical help by the end of the conversation.

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