Chapter Five

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Trying to be strong, only did they realize they were wrong.

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The first night back at the monastery was tense. Everyone was either silent or in their own cliques, speaking quietly about whatever the mission was as Rin cooked their dinner. Yukio and Shura had yet to even explain anything to them, their gazes fixed on the door where the older Okumura twin had disappeared through. When he had come back from the store, he was quieter with his head bowed as he prepared the food. "Nii-San?" softly called Yukio as he made his way into the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

  "Eh?" The Demon Prince looked up, his cheek had a scratch along with a few bruises across his face. He looked as if a dog had gotten ahold of him which did actually happen. His hair arms were covered with sleeves but if he were to take his shirt off, Yukio would've guessed that there were a few scratches on them too. "Oh, I got mauled by a dog on my way back from the store. I didn't hurt it since a kid came up and took control of it. I'm fine since I'm healing okay." It wasn't the entire truth, a half lie is all he could manage since he was known for such terrible lying skills. In reality, he had gotten jumped by a guy he beat up while he was still in middle school who was older than him. It was a guy from the third year of high school who decided to attack him by commanding his dog to attack him.

Yukio nodded as he sat down at the table, crossing his arms as he looked up at the cook. He knew his brother was hiding something, mostly because a dog wouldn't attack him unless there was a reason. Then again, he couldn't ever come up with a reason a dog would attack him since he had seen a lot of them act quite lovingly to the demon twin. So this just made him suspicious, although he couldn't do much about it until his brother decided to spill the beans. He mentally snorted, knowing that he wouldn't ever do that unless forced. Yukio stood and headed out to speak with Shura. He needed her help with this, especially since she could get through with Rin.

By the time everyone was asleep, Rin laid on his side staring at the others. His back was to the wall as he reviewed the day's events, grimacing one he realized that he was going to have to speak with Shura. He knew what it meant if Shura was involved with his life, hours and hours of intense interrogation, or intense training. It all depended on how she decided to solve the problem the half demon was facing. This one would be a mixture of both if he didn't spill what was going on. He would rather do both then say a word about anything. This was his business alone. At that moment, he remembered Ryuji's words before the Amaimon incident. Don't try to do everything yourself. Don't forget you have friends! He couldn't help but snort at the words. The noise echoing throughout the room. He froze and listened for a few rustling of the other occupants as they shifted in their sleep. He waited with baited breath until he made sure no one was going to wake.

  He quietly sighed in relief when no one did, closing his eyes as to fall asleep and to get rid of any lingering thoughts. The Demon Prince was not really looking forward to the mission in the morning. They were never informed by their teachers what exactly they were there for. Oh, well, he was just going to have to do the best he can.

* * *

"We will be lookin' for a demon known as a Look-See demon," explained Shura as she scanned the faces of the class. They were in the park where many of the sightings of the demon had been reported. They were going to be in pairs: Yukio and Rin, Shima and Konekomaru, Izumo and Shiemi, Shura and Shiratori, Ryuji with the puppet boy. They were scouting the place to see if they could find anything. "This is a middle class demon for it's quite weaker than the lowest high class. It is blind, but if ya make eye contact with the demon, ya cannot look away and have ta let someone else to kill it. If ya so much as advert yer eyes once, ya will lose yer sight and it will attack ya."

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