Chapter Eight

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Spending the night at the park was not their idea, but Yukio decided on it. Once again the question of how Rin was related to such an uptight teacher, who is also their age, but this time they received no answer. He was just not caring to answer since he was thinking of the words that Artist had spoken to him before his departure. They were something that made no sense to him. Just how did he know?

  Rin was pivoting on his heel to leave, but his attention was caught by Artist who had called for him. He motioned for Shura to continue on and wait for him outside. "Shadow," he said, his voice a gruff and deep tone. Rin didn't like the look on the guy's face. He didn't know what was going to be done and honestly it frightened him, albeit it not showing on his face. "I need you to listen." He didn't leave him time to answer as he started to speak once more, "I want you to kill whatever did this to my men and me. And when you do, I have an offer to make to you. Of course, that's if you choose to come back to tell me that you succeeded; I have no doubt that you won't succeed. You're strong, My Prince."

  "Rin!" Shura's call broke through his thoughts, knowing he wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. He looked worried, like he knew something wasn't going to go well. She needed to speak with him soon before the whole exorcism thing. She had seen the way he seemed somewhat distant from her after Artist had spoken to him in private. She needed to know what it was that was spoken so they could help him. "No one can ever help. ... I'm not used to receiving help." That was what he had said, wasn't it? A small smile came to her lips. "We'll work on that then. Kid, ya have a lot ta explain," she muttered to herself. Her gaze forward on the son of Satan, the son who never acted like a demon nor a human. He acted like a friendly and trusting puppy who would follow others like he's lost and would whine and beg for attention. Albeit that, he had a complex to help people but not receive another's help. How could the son of Satan have such a hero complex?

Rin's eyes widened, his senses extending outward as he felt a presence. It was apparent that Shura and Yukio felt it too with the way they tensed up as well. A weird clicking noise tore through the tense, silent air. They all looked at each other as an owl was there on the ground, hooting. They all saw an owl, but what Rin saw caused him to pale. It was hideous. It sickened him to see it. Rin's eyes were on the body of the Look-See demon. He had a glance at its face, it was that of a human with pure black orbs with two strips of flesh covering up the eyes. The cheekbones jutted out in a grotesque way and the jaw and forehead was covered in black scales. A scorpion tail came from its rear end. One arm held a pincher and the other a human hand. It was quite gross to hear. Just as the twelve year old said, the skin was dark like the hide of a black scorpion and it had patches of scales on the face and human hand.

  The son of Satan shuddered at the appearance of the seemingly Frankenstein-look. Pressing a hand to his mouth as he looked away. It was revolting! He looked over at Yukio's direction to see him, lowering his aim. "It's the demon," Rin said, his eyes on the creature's body. "Don't meet its eyes!" The creature snarled at the other, lunging towards Rin who dodged it. Yukio was gripping his gun tightly as he pointed it at the demon, but it was difficult with it chasing Rin. The others were in their positions, the two Arias thinking of the demon's fatal verse.

They watched in revulsion as it shifted into its true form the middle of its chase. It was a sickening sight and Shima gagged at the true form. Rin had yet to draw the sword and it seemed that he wasn't going to any time soon unless told so by Shura. Not yet, at least. "Rin!"

  "I'm fine! Just shoot the damn monster!" Rin dodged the tail that had attacked him, the pincher digging into the ground. Yukio took it as his chance to shoot at the demon as Shura called onto her Fang Belly sword technique to help slow the demon down. The two Arias started reciting a verse from one of the holy books. Kamiki and Shiemi was doing their best using their Familiars and Shiratori and Shima were glancing at each other as they protected the two Arias. Shiratori had changed somewhat, his sadistic tendencies had gone down after the treat Rin gave him before they left the monastery. The look in his eyes, that was one he never seen and would never want to see again. The growl in his voice as he threatened him was fearsome.

  Many more demons came and the other Ex-wires took it upon themselves to defeat them. Shiratori helped defend Suguro as Shima helped Konekomaru. Shura and Yukio was working on the Look-See as Rin kept an eye on the others. He helped Shiemi and Kamiki.

  "Rin, use your sword!" Shura shouted and noticed the grin he wore and watched as the blue light washed over the darkness of the night. She watched as the demon froze, its head whipped towards the owner of the light. The demon let out a growling sound almost as if it was speaking, causing Rin's eyes to widen and his mouth agape. His eyes narrowed, clenching his jaw, and running towards the demon, his gaze set on the body of the Look-See.

Shiratori was horrified at seeing such a thing. "He really is a demon," he whispered with wide eyes staring at the spawn of Satan. He watched the fight. Something changed, Rin stopped moving. His gaze were on the orbs of the demon. How the heck did he lose his focus and stare into its eyes? What kind of idiot did that? "Rin! Don't look away!" Rin's eyes widened at his enemy's (well, he wasn't sure if he could call him an enemy, but it was better than calling him an annoying pest) shout. Shiratori? he asked himself, wondering if he had heard right. The demon twitched as it moved closer towards the spawn of Satan. Its tail shot up and made its way towards him, it's pincher curling.

  Shiemi turned towards the demons when she heard Shiratori's shout. The others only glanced at their direction before going back to their fight. Shiemi watched as he stared into the eyes, frozen. "Rin!" Her shout of worry sparked curiosity in Shura and she saw the concern. The tail rose, positioned to give the finishing blow to the Demon Prince. As this occurred, Shiemi called upon her Familiar to help her friend, but—unfortunately—the demon sent switched its target and had its tail move to strike the blonde, who froze in her tracks, staring up at the pincher in fear. She was frozen, she couldn't move in fear of her own life, closing her eyes awaiting the pain.

  Rin's scream in pain echoed throughout the night. Everyone turned to him and were shocked to find out what happened. It was a gruesome sight, seeing that he had been impaled in the mid back having protected Shiemi when he pushed her out of the way. They watched as his eyes slowly faded with color and focus, becoming a milky color. They watched as he screamed and burst into fire, burning the tail away and fell to the ground. They watched as Shura took it as her moment to strike the demon, and once the demon was gone she whipped around to face Rin who had yet to move. Concern overtook the anger that the woman felt as she made her way over to the teen she saw as an annoying little brother.

"Okumura," she said, kneeling down beside him. She moved his hair out of the way to see that he was unconscious. Sighing, she pulled his shirt up and noticed the exact spot it had impaled him. "Get over here!" Her shout was directed towards Yukio who could only stare at his brother's unmoving form. "Now!"

That kicked him into gear as he moved over to his brother. His breath hitched at seeing the wound. "His spinal cord was struck. I'm not sure if his demonic healing would be able to heal it. He'll need surgery." As he spoke, Yukio was dialing Mephisto to help them get Rin to the Exorcist hospital quickly.

"Okumura-Sensei?" Suguro's voice brought them to the students. "Will he be okay?"

His teal irises showed the uncertainty. "I'm not sure," he whispered.

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