Chapter Four

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Having no one to turn to, he let isolation be his contentment.

* * *

The night was bad, but it could always get worse. It didn't help with the fact two people were training in the forest, filled with bugs and demons. It was a spar between the two before having to set off for hunting a few demons. The entire time, Rin was growling as he trained vigorously with Shura. He was pissed off and it was quite noticeable from his movements. They were reckless and held no fluidity. He was acting like the day he fought Amaimon except without the whole demonic features. How could he have done that? I'm not letting him touch any of my friends! He shouldn't threaten me, he wouldn't dare hurt any of my friends!

  "Okumura, focus!" Shura disarmed the Knight-in-training. Her eyes glittered with disappointment at the lack of skill he was showing. She had heard what happened and really couldn't blame him; after all, if someone were to have done the same thing to her familiar, she would've killed them, except if Rin were to have done so, the Vatican would've sped up his execution day. "Okay, we'll take a break." She shot him a glare before he could argue, motioning for him to sit down. "Alright, spill. What did this asshole do?"

  "Eh?" he exclaimed, trying (and failing) to feign confusion. Upon seeing the unimpressed expression that was given to him, he sighed since he knew there was no way of getting out of this situation, maybe with Yukio but never with Shura. She had a way of finding out everything and anything that scared him terribly. His shoulders drooped down, his eyes downcast. "Oh. Well, he hasn't done anything more than threaten Kuro. It's just the guy rubs me the wrong way and all I want to do is hurt him."

"Okay, just so ya know you're a terrible liar." It had been a week since the incident with Kuro and she could see past the facade he was trying to uphold. She could see the way his shoulders sagged, she could see the fading bruises and small little nicks from healing cuts on his torso. Something was going on since the way he held him up was so much different from before. "Is that guy hurtin' ya?" She watched for a reaction, something to give away the kid's secrets, but all she got was silence and a dark expression. Her eyes scanned the child of Satan, humming in thought as she tried to get an answer from the kid. "Rin, if he's hurtin' ya, ya need to say somethin' about it. We can help—"

"No, you can't!" There it is, she thought, watching as he turned serious, all expression melting away. His shoulders scrunched up as he bit his lip, his hair covering his eyes. Shura never seen the teenager this way before. How could he continue to think about others before his own well-being? Actions like these always made her wonder how this kid is the son of Satan. "No one can ever help. This isn't any of your business anyway!"

Shura scowled and kicked the kid in the shoulder, pining him down as she glared straight at him. "Look, whether ya like it or not, it is my business. If you're not a hundred percent, then there's no way I can train ya, no way that ya can even pass the Exorcist exam. Is that what ya want? Ta fail? Ta die? So tell me again that it isn't any of my business 'cause I would like ta hear it! I'm goin' out of my way to help ya so why don't ya just accept it?"

Rin flinched as her boot dug even further into his shoulder. He didn't accept anyone's help before since no one other than his dad and the others had tried to reach out towards him. Everyone else kept their distance or they would hurt him in any way. He had trust issues after growing up the way he did, being lied to and kept in the dark. Sure, he could defend himself from the way he grew up, but he couldn't defend himself against Shiratori. That creep was making sure he couldn't, unless he wanted any one of his friends' to get hurt. Yes, he knew that they could fend for themselves, but he knew Shiratori better than anyone else. He knew what all he could do and he would rather be the one taking hits for them than they getting hurt because of him.

He didn't know how to accept people's help. That was why he had trouble trusting people. Yes, it came off that he was an oblivious boy who trusted every stranger he met, but that wasn't the case. He grew up in a monastery, he watched as hypocrites came in and went out in town to harm others. The town was a nice small town with hot spots of danger. With the way he looked, naive and ignorant, he had run into a lot of trouble. He showed them why they shouldn't judge him for his appearance and gained enemies or had gained respect. That was the first time he was happy for being different from others. He didn't tell anyone about it, he didn't tell his dad or Yukio. He kept a secret knowing that they wouldn't understand.

  Rin glanced away from the top exposed woman not wanting to make eye contact with her. "I'm not used to receiving help," he whispered, moving her foot off his shoulder. He got to his feet, his head bowed with his hair acting like a curtain to cover his eyes. "And I'm not going to accept anyone's help. I don't need your help with this."

"Rin! I'm not—" Shura's scolding was cut off when a sharp ringing noise ripped through the air. Answering it, her gaze never leaving Rin's silent form. "Alright then." She hung up, putting her phone away. "This conversation isn't over. Now, go home and get packed. We have a mission."

* * *

Returning to his hometown should've sent a feeling of nostalgia, but it only sent a wave of dread. He couldn't do this. He felt sick to his stomach, not wanting to do this, needing to get away. He glanced around the van they were using, his gaze sweeping over his friends (and Shiratori) wondering what they (not Shiratori) would think once they hear of the whispers of the residents when the see his face once again. Last time he came, it was with Shura and Yukio, and for a short time before having to race all the way to the True Cross campus.

  He pulled his hood up as they made their way out of the van, ignoring the looks he received as he grabbed most of their belongings. He made his way into the monastery and placing their things down to hug the priests in greeting. "He's back! We get to have good food again!"

"Hah! Is that the only reason you're happy to see me again?" he shouted, shaking the youngest priest Izumi. He ranted at him saying how he wasn't going to make him anything to eat and that he would have to cook for himself. Izumi was begging him to feed him, that he was just joking, and asking for his forgiveness.

"Are those two always like that?" inquired Shima, his pink hair swaying in the small breeze that had picked up. He watched the oldest priest, who introduced himself as Nagatomo, have a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. From his expression they all guessed that it was normal, not to mention the fact Yukio came in and flicked both of them in the throat. His facial expression showed how he wasn't going to deal with their shit.

  Yukio spoke telling Rin to go and finished unpacking the van, turning to the group and showing them which rooms that they would be staying in. The girls got Shiro Fujimoto's old room while the boys stayed in Rin and Yukio's old room.

  Rin helped them before going to the kitchen. Upon seeing the empty fridge, he sighed and looked over at the priests. "I'm going to the grocery store, need anything?" He brought out a notepad and a pen, writing down what all they needed for the meal along with everything else that they wanted. "Tell Yukio where I will be, okay? I should get going before anyone decides to join me." He grabbed the money he needed and ran off at the same time as Yukio came in looking for his brother. They told him what Rin said and went to help them set up everything they needed. They spoke about how Rin and he were doing and how life had been treating them, getting a few vague answers.

  The Ex-wires were with Shiratori who was looking at them. A grin on his face. "So, Rin has told you about me, I'm guessing since the way you're all acting towards me. I'm not surprised; after all, you don't know anything about that demon." He didn't say any more than that, making his way out of the room and heading to sit on the steps of the monastery. Oh, Rin, how much longer will you keep your secrets from your friends? He laughed, smirking. Are you scared?

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