Chapter Eleven

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Shiratori couldn't help it anymore and started laughing at their misfortune. He earned many glares from Rin's friends and it threw him into a harsher fit of laughter. The lavender haired teen found it hilarious how they couldn't understand. "What the hell is so funny?" Suguro growled as he glared at the delinquent. He shook his head and stood up, running his hands through his hair. His back towards them as he hid a smirk.

  "It's funny how you all can't go five minutes without pissing Rin off," he commented, laughing and turning to him. "Here I was thinking how bad I was in doing such a thing. It's quite laughable seeing that you lot know next to nothing about Okumura, not even his so-called, little brother."

  "What, and you know more than us?" Suguro's fists clenched as anger flashed in his eyes, scowling at the delinquent that caused nothing but trouble for his friends.

He stuck his hands in his pockets, humming as he leaned forward. "Yes, that is what I'm saying is it not? I know for a fact that he would do everything for his little brother, even if it meant dying for him. I know that he could never kill anyone or anything. I know that he has trust issues upon the way he grew up. I know so much about him, I am not surprised that he has yet to tell you lot anything." He placed his hands behind his head and shrugged as if he didn't understand something. "I just don't get why you don't let him tell you these things himself. Why force him to tell you things he probably doesn't want you to know?" The grin on his face widened. "You don't trust him, is that it? You don't trust the demon who you all say is your friend?"

  They looked at him, their mouths open to argue but nothing ever came out. Yukio has a pissed off expression on his face, his aura was dark and dangerous as if warning the guy he needed to be careful with what he said. "We trust him, but there are things that we need to know to help strengthen this team. And that won't happen if he keeps secrets from us."

Shiratori snorted and rolled his eyes, finding their reasoning so stupid. "Never gonna happen. It'll only weaken it with him knowing that his friends, his brother, don't trust him enough. It must suck knowing everyone you care for not trust you after all the things that you have done for them." With that he left the room, skipping whatever lesson that they had plan, but he guessed that Okumura-Sensei didn't have one having believed that his brother would ever be willing to answer every question that they had.

How amusing it was to see that their bond was crumbling down since his arrival. This was better entertainment than he had ever seen, it was quite fun watching the terrible things going on between them. He hummed strutting towards his dorm room, swatting a few Coal Tars away from him. Shiratori's hair swayed in the slight breeze, glancing around the quad as he watched the gray clouds roll in. Ah, it's going to rain. That's great; he loved the rain with a passion. It was calming, kept his thoughts in check. Everything will play out in Rin's favor, he mused as he kicked a pebble out of his path. It usually always does.

  His gaze fell upon the dormitory where the demon resided in. May as well go and visit once. It wouldn't be any fun for the whole without the other, he had a great time when he got to hurt him in every way possible. Now, now he couldn't. The other would be under twenty four hour watch by his so-called friends. He snorted at the thought. How could they call themselves his friends? It was a laugh that Rin could ever have made friends with those people. Naive and ignorant, yet calculative. He knew that the teen must've seen something in them to have befriended them, but he couldn't see it whatsoever.

Upon arriving to the door, Shiratori hesitated. What was he going to say? Shura was there with him, and she was going to turn him away after all he had done to Rin. She was a force not to be reckoned with, he knew that much from watching her fight. If she was training the twerp, then that never equaled anything good.

  The door opened right when he was about to knock. His gaze met the violet eyes of the knight. "What are ya doin' here?"

* * *

A week had gone by now, everything seeming to fall back into place of normalcy in the lives of the people. Future events slowly being painted into a big portrait as everything started falling into place. The night was silent. No animals made any noise, seeing to hide from something. It was eerie. The rain had died down, the wind no longer brushing the tops of the trees. It was as if nothing had ever existed. It was as if no one lived in the world anymore.

In the abandoned dorm where two people resided along with two demons, one woke up. Their gasp echoed through the night as they stared into the darkness. They felt nauseous but they felt nothing rise whatsoever. Their eyes hurt, their throat and head hurt. The older of the two in the room pressed his hand against his mouth. He felt warm. Too warm. Sweat clung to his back as he moved to get out of the heat. He removed the blankets and tried to get off the bed without making too much noise. He didn't want to wake his younger twin.

His attempts were futile. He fell out of the bed, hitting the ground loudly and with a indignant cry of pain. He cursed and felt around as he tried to get out of the mass tangle of blankets. He heard the click of the lamp turning on followed by a "Rin?" Shit! Yukio's awake! The padding of feet against the floor drew nearer and then he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder. "Rin, you're burning up." He helped the half demon up and placed him back on the bed. He fixed the blankets and pressed his hand on his forehead. "Do you feel ill?"

Rin shook his head, he just felt the need to get his brother to bed and then worry about himself. He still had a few days to another week at most before his sight can come back. He sighed and made an attempt to sit up, but was pushed down by his brother. "You shouldn't do that. I'll go get something to bring your temperature down, okay?"

  "I'm fine, Yukio. Just get some sleep, I'll sleep it off." Rin sighed when he heard his protest, telling him to lay down and not move until he got the fever under control. Once he left, the ill feeling crashed into him at a full force. He groaned and tried to breathe, blinking as he felt extremely faint.

  My prince, I hath come for thee. Thy hath no worries. I shalt bring thee home.

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