Chapter Fourteen

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Careful with those who don't know? Rin was confused with the fact that he was told such a thing by Mephisto. He had been leaving the other demon's office when he was stopped by the elder of the two and was told to be careful. It confused him. Did he mean the Vatican? Did he mean something or someone else? He inquired so many things yet never got an answer for any of them, leading to more questions. He was absolutely hopeless. Rin shook his head, not sure what he meant exactly and it was pissing him off; he banished those thoughts and focused on something else to take his attention. He groaned as he tried to move his legs, tried to wiggle his toes. He placed pressure on his thighs, but felt nothing. It was infuriating him that he couldn't feel them, that he couldn't move them. It was even more depressing that he couldn't even maneuver his own tail, depressing because he felt odd without the feeling of the other appendage. He might've been alright without his legs but his tail, his tail was something that he liked. He enjoyed having his tail—a weird sentence and a weird thing to ever think about. He was accustomed to it, never once hating the thing since he got past the whole moody, emo phase he went through after the reveal of being Satan's spawn.

"Rin?" He jumped at the sudden voice, blinking his unseeing eyes. His eyes swept across nothing, blinking and raising his hand to catch the arm that was coming close to his face. "Hey, we decided to skip class and come to check up on you. So, how are you doing, Handsome?"

A smile pulled at his lips when he heard that, laughing as he shook his head. "I'm doing fine, Beautiful." He laughed at the sudden protest that came from his friend's mouth, having thought that they were 'Gorgeous'. "What? We agreed that Karma is the Gorgeous Famine, you're the Beautiful War, and I'm the Handsome Death."

Saske groaned and shook his head, running his hand through his blue highlighted, dark hair. "But I thought that you're Famine and she's Death?" Karma came up behind Saske and verbally agreed with him, having noticed the way her friend's eyes were. They knew exactly what had occurred, not having believed his brother's obvious lie.

"Fine, Karma is the Gorgeous Death and I'm the Handsome Famine. Now, all we need is an Alluring Pestilence." They laughed and continued to make jabbing comments at one another. Rin hadn't smiled and laughed in so long without having to filter and watch what he said. They made fun of Karma when she'd mispronounce a word, and when Saske would butcher a sentence, and when Rin would mix up his sayings or just mess up on an imitation of someone he knew.

That was how Yukio found them. Rin was imitating Karma and Saske who both messed up their sentences and one of their words, and they were yelling at him to stop as they died of laughter, holding their stomachs as they hit the ground. Ukobach was shaking his head as he and Kuro watched the three of them. Yukio glanced at the demonic cook and cat, then at the three others. "What's going on here?"

They sobered up and the two of them stared at the guy who they met earlier. "Oh, hey there." Saske glanced at Karma who was rubbing her nape as she spoke to Yukio. He patted Rin's shoulder and whispered something to him, so low that Yukio couldn't hear it. Karma glanced at her brother, a panic look in her eyes since she had no clue what to say. He took over for her and smiled at the young Exorcist. "Sorry for the intrusion, but we came to check up on Rin. It's apparent that you were lying to the teachers when you said he had the flu. You two are the same when it comes to lying. You slide your eyes to the right when you lie."

Yukio's subconscious was screaming at him to get those two out of the dormitory, this was not natural, something was not right with them, he knew that. Protect Rin! These people aren't safe for him to be around! Get him away! Get him away! Those two need to get away from him. "Oh, well, yeah," he said, forcing a laugh and rubbing his nape. "The blindness is temporary so we're waiting for his eyes to heal."

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