Chapter Ten

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Returning to the Cram School the following day was awkward. Rin was given the following two weeks off so his eyes could heal, but he still went to Cram School to take part in the lectures—or so he thought. He was pushed by Yukio who had a certain look on his face; if Rin were to have seen it, he would do his best to leave the room by any means possible. His classmates had been whispering to each other. One certain person wasn't a classmate, but a teacher. She was there to watch and see what she could get from the ebony haired teen's body language. From what she can tell, Yukio had kept him in the dark about what would happen. Of course, that was poorly worded, but she knew that it was the best she could do. Shura watched as Yukio placed Rin's wheelchair to the front of the room, noticing the frown painting the interrogation victim's face. "Yukio, I'm not at my desk. What are you doing?"

The kid caught on quickly, mused Shura as she crossed her arms over her chest. Then again, she noticed the way his eyes flicked over towards her direction. His senses must've heightened, meaning his hearing must be extremely sensitive with his demonic features. "You didn't tell him?"

"He would've fought every tooth and nail to keep from coming if he were to have known. Then again, I thought the same thing when I told him about still going to the lectures, but he didn't so that was surprising." Towards the end of his sentence, his voice trailed into a whisper almost as if talking to himself. Rin was glaring towards Yukio's direction, his milky colored eyes showing his anger. He asked what she meant only for his brother to ignore him. "Okay, I'm going first since now I'm curious and because he's my brother," the younger one announced to the circle of his students.

  Rin was tensed, knowing what was coming. He should've known that they weren't going to put it to rest, but why did it have to be him only? That was basically unfair. It was as if he wasn't allowed to have secrets of his own. "Uh, Yukio, what are you talking about?" He wasn't sure what he was going to do, his fist clenching. The tension that he had didn't go unnoticed by Shura. She saw everything, but didn't know everything. In the situation he was in, he couldn't help but think, Never fully trust a man who was behind the trigger.

  "We still have a few questions, Nii-San," he answered as he grabbed a chair from a desk. He ignored his brother's protests. He knew they probably shouldn't interrogate him after he basically got out of the hospital not too long ago, and he felt bad about doing so but they needed to go over and make sure he wasn't hiding anything important. "And if they get too personal just skip it, but you have to answer a few questions and not skip every question or else we can't help in any way, okay?" He got a hesitant nod of affirmation. "Okay, I'm going to go ahead and keep it light and not go deep into your personal life just yet, that goes for everyone." His teal eyes scanned the other occupants.

"Okay, I get it. Let's just get this over with." His nail found its way onto his skin and scratched his wrist. "Just know, that you also have to give up a secret as well. That way it's somewhat fair."

They all agreed and Yukio started off for them. "I want to know why you don't pay attention in class and fail miserably on a test, yet after a mission you get everything right on a test?"

Rin blinked a few times. "Oh, I thought the question was gonna be worse than that. Um, I have a learning deficiency because of my short attention span. Like you're book smart, able to learn by sitting in one spot and reading, I can't do that. I sit down and my mind goes blank and then I'm thinking about a song I heard and look it up then spend an hour on looking at something else. Let me guess, you have to be taught something before you can go out and do anything, right?"

"Well, yes. I have to have information before doing something. It's what makes me calm and collected, while you're brash and reckless." Yukio winced and immediately regretted his words at seeing the darkened look on his brother's face, but once he blinked it was gone. He would've passed it off as his imagination but the way Shura seemed to have caught it, he knew he should apologize.

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