Chapter Two

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Try to be good, try to be the hero; the cycle is constant.

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The Ex-wires were at the boys dorm with the twins, the only ones who weren't there were the puppet boy and the new kid, Shiratori. Rin's tail was flicking from side-to-side with agitation. He was growling under his breath, cursing his existence as his friends watched with a mix of emotions. They didn't know whether to be amused or concerned with their friend. They've seen him mad before but usually it was gone and over, the fact that he was still infuriated after the whole ordeal said something about the guy, he did something to Rin before or during the school year. "Satan, damn you," he muttered as he plopped down. He looked up at his friends who were still staring at him. Their inquiry gazes gave him all he needed. "I don't want to talk about it. Just, be careful around the guy and never be alone. If he does anything, tell me." With that the demon left the room as a Cat Sidhe came and sat on the younger twin's lap.

"What's wrong with Rin?" He got no answer, not that he expected one since he didn't hear him like his brother could. Yukio stuck to rubbing the cat's head, looking at the others. He seemed to be a in a deep thought, sighing with an exasperated expression. "That guy used to bully anyone and everyone, he's rich so he always gets his way. That was the only way he could ever have gotten into this school. And like Rin said, be careful around him."

A small munk known as Konekomaru Miwa looked at his teacher and friend. "What happened between those two? Everyone can see that there is bad blood between them. Do you know?"

The young Exorcist rubbed his forehead, having known that that was coming. He didn't know much about it himself, but he knew enough to get a gist of things. He was there for a few of the fights, he had heard a lot of rumors on the other teen. "Well, for one, Rin was being quite on point when he called Shiratori a 'sadistic bastard'. The guy was known for cruel animal abuse. Rin would get into a lot of fights with him for either bullying someone, or he'd fight him to get him to stop hurting an animal. He'd seen so much torture because of that idiot."

They gaped at the teacher, thinking about what was just been told. Ryuji, or Bon, ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face. "So, basically a sadist is our new classmate. That's great." There were two girls listening to the conversation, sharing glances between the two. They knew that they would have to be with at least one of the boys. Not because of them not being able to defend themselves but because if something were to happen, there would be at least someone to help.

  A blonde girl known as Shiemi Moriyama stuttered slightly to gain their attention. "Since Shiratori would most likely to be targeting Rin's friends, it would be best if at least one guy would walk with Miss Kamiki and I around. Just in case if we need help defending ourselves." They glanced between Shiemi and the other girl known as Izumo Kamiki. They could see where they were coming from.

  "Shiemi is right," said Yukio, nodding as he tapped his chin with a humming thought. He was seriously considering what the girl said. Having known Shiratori for a long time, it didn't matter how strong one could be for it would be in vain to fight someone as sadistic as that guy. "I know enough about him that it would be best to be in pairs. Also, keep an eye on Rin, we all know that he had a short temper. One more thing, make sure that his secret doesn't come out."

* * *

Shiratori was humming a haunting melody under his breath as he mutilated a bird, pulling out the feathers of the pigeon. He could only think of the older Okumura twin and grinned. He was going to have fun hurting him. He couldn't wait to hear his tortured screams when he would get his hands on him. The want to hurt him was so great, he was going to have a blast. He couldn't wait to hear the agonizing screams he would hear soon in. He couldn't wait to be able to see the way his skin glistened with the crimson liquid ran down his form from the wounds that he would inflict on the demon.

His dreams were filled with Rin Okumura screaming and begging for mercy as he played with him. The sickening color of blood painted such a beautiful mural for the sadist. He loved every second of it. The morning he woke up to, he couldn't suppress the satisfying shudder that ran through his body as he had a senile sneer on his face. Oh, Rin, you won't be able to escape me so easily.

Meanwhile, Rin was feeling terrible. He threw up twice in the middle of the night, his sleep constantly disturbed every hour. He sighed softly as he forced himself to get up and cook with Ukobach who basically gave him a look and tried scolding him. He was trying to at the older twin to stay home and not go having heard the sickening noise coming from the bathroom. He gave him a large smile. "It's okay, Ukobach. It should pass by noon. Plus, I'm sure Yukio wouldn't allow me to have a break."

The demonic chef sighed upon knowing how stubborn the kid was. The Demon Prince made his way out and up to his shared room. He had woken up way too early and was now having to wake his brother up. He treaded carefully, making his way towards his brother and poking him with his tail. The other barely stirred which caused a sigh from the elder one. "Yukio, time to wake up," he said, earning a groan. He made sure that his brother didn't have any weapons nearby and slapped him with his tail. Rin took a few cautious steps back and watched his brother shoot up with alert. "Yukio, time to get up," he repeated. "It's six."

  "Shit!" His brother threw off his blankets and rushed around to get his things ready. It was quite an unusual sight. Rin almost believed that they had switched bodies for a moment. The demon twin yawned and made his way towards the door, screaming when his brother stepped on his tail by accident. The twins froze before the younger one took steps back and kept his distance for a bit. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't believe you woke up before me though."

  "Hah?" he shrieked with an offended look. He shook his head and waved him off in a dismissive manner, making his way downstairs. He didn't feel like arguing with his brother as the feeling of nausea came back. He stumbled when he felt the room tilt as an ominous shudder ran through him. Rin stared at the next step, gripping the railing tightly. What's going to happen? Oh, please, let this just be me falling ill.

  "Rin!" Kuro's voice ripped through the silence and the Cat Sidhe came bounding up to the Demon Prince. "Hey! I get to come with you after lunch, right? Because I want to know who the new student is!"

  At the mention of Shiratori, Rin flinched which did not go unnoticed. Kuro stared at his friend, worry and concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to. I'm sorry, Kuro, but the student is someone you should always stay away from." The demon picked up his familiar and continued on his trek to the kitchen. There he sat down and began eating his breakfast not bothering on waiting for his younger twin to come down. Like the day before, something bad was going to happen.

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