The Strictest Alpha, My Mate

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Alpha Luke's POV:
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I woke up this morning and got out of bed. Immediately getting dressed in a pair of dark jeans,  a black muscle shirt, and a pair of black Jordans. I then walked down to the kitchen passing many members of my pack on the way.

I am nineteen years old, alpha of the half moon pack. As I pass everyone bows there head in respect saying alpha or good morning. As I am walking a little boy comes running past me with a women chasing after him. I see that the little boy is Xavier, Kale's little brother. I grab is arm and he turns to look at me. Immediately his little eyes become fear filled.

I ask in a strict tone,  " What are you doing running from your mother? "

He starts shifting his feet and mumbles,

" I don't want to go to school alpha. "

" Well that's not a good enough reason to disrespect your mother. Is it? "

" No sir."

" Then why are you doing it? "

" I don't know sir. "

" So first you disrespect your mother, then you don't know why you did it? "

He continues to look at his feet. I say lowly with power," You are to go get ready for school, then come find me for it think I need to discuss respect to you and tell you your punishment. "

He looked on the verge of tears but said,  " Yes sir. I will be down in a minute. "

His mother, Linda, said,  " Thank you Alpha. "

I nodded my head," No problem ma'am. Can you inform Kale that I need him to come to my office when I return from my school check ups today? "

" Yes alpha. "

With that being said I continued my walk. Some might say that I was too strict on Xavier for him only being seven and they might be right but my pack is made up of respect and he will learn.

When I made it to the kitchen is saw my brother, Joey, messing around with Olivia. My betas mate who goes by Ollie.

He was laughing saying, "Hey Ollie do you wanna know something?"

" What? " She asked in an annoyed tone.

" Hey no need to get snappy, I was just going to say that you look very nice today. That's why it is such a shame that you sat down in chocolate cake. "

" JOEY ANDERSON!!!!!!! "

He smiled while she stomped off probably to go change. I growled and asked in a low voice, " Why did you just disrespect your beta female? "

" It's called a joke oh mighty alpha, lighten up a little. "

" Joey you will respect me. "

" Of course my lord almighty. "

I growled out, " You are going to be punished after school so come right home. "

" Sorry my lord but I have football something I won't skip for the likes of you. "

" You will because I am your alpha and I said so. "

" No,  I won't. "

" Joey. " I said warnignly, losing my patience.

" Luke my mighty master. " Joey mocked back. I don't care if he is my brother or not, no one disrespects me. I went over and punched him in the jaw knocking him to the ground.

My mother screamed but I ignored it growling out at my brother, " You will do as I say. I am your alpha. "

He looked at me and growled out, " A sorry excuse of one if you ask me. "

I punched him again. This time I heard him head hit the floor. He stood up, snarled, shifted, and ran out of the door.  My mother looked shocked since Joey barely ever loses his temper.

We have a kitchen so right now almost everyone was in it, however, no one commented on what just happened. I turned to my mother and said, " Sorry you had to see that mother. "

" I wish you would not hit your brother. "

I heard someone say behind me, " Joey annoys us all Luke, but he is your younger brother so you should deal with it. " I turned to see that it was my sister, Ashlynne who had said that.

She asked right after though,  " Hey mom need any help? "

" No Ash I am done. "

I heard someone running into the kitchen laughing and saw that it was Xavier being chased by Justin.

Justin smiled when he caught Xavier and started tickling him.  " Now who is the monster? "

" You. "

" Take it back. "

" Never,  Kale help me. "

Kale looked at me and then at them then shook his head.  He probably didn't want me to see him goofing around. I don't like my pack warrior being seen as playful he needs to be strict and that's it.

I soon stopped them though saying, " Xavier let's go. "

Justin asked teasingly, "Get in trouble with the alpha? "

Xavier, however, did not even smile. His good mood was gone. He turned and hugged his mother, "Bye mommy. I love you, bye Kale. "

" Bye Xavier love you. "

He then looked at me, scared and shaking in fear. I said,  " Let's walk if you don't mind? "

" I don't mind sir, "  He mumbled looking at his feet.

I knew he felt bad so I didn't Yell I just needed him to understand that he needed to show respect. " Xavier I need you to realize that you need to show respect to everyone in this pack. Even more so as to who your brother is. Do you understand me Xavier? "

" Yes sir. "

"Well just so I know it won't be forgotten I expect you to go to after school training every day until I say otherwise."

" Yes sir. "

I said more nicely, "So how is school going?"

" It's going great sir. Cuz guess what? Well my teacher said that I have been doing very good so I am gonna be able to play football since mommy said if I was good at school I could. "

" That's great. "

I might be strict but I do really care for Xavier. His father died in a fight against another pack. Kale took over soon after that. I have high respect for Kale and his family. Xavier, especially, seeming as he really is a good kid just makes mistakes.

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