Chapter 21

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I woke up to someone placing kisses all over my face. I opened my eyes to see Luke hovering over me. " Hey gorgeous. "

" Good morning Luke. Now leave I wanna sleep. "

He laughed and said,  " Come on beautiful I have to talk to you. "

" About what? "

" The boys. If you open your eyes I can tell you. "

I opened them again. " Good girl. " He pet my head!

" Excuse me, I am not your dog. "

" I know, your my little Werewolf. " He kissed my forehead and then picked me up bridal style.

" What in the world? Where are we going? "

" To my office. I have coffee set up for you and breakfast. "

" Well why are you carrying me? "

" Because gorgeous I know you are still in pain from yesterday. Sorry again, I didn't mean to hurt you so much. My wolf took over when you offended him and I didn't gain control in time. "

" Hey, it's fine Luke. "

" Veronica, I am acting like my father. He used to do stuff like that to my mom all the time. I was acting like him and I am sincerely sorry. "

" Hey, Hey calm down. I forgave you because I understood. "

" Veronica, I really need to talk to you about my father. "

" Luke, I don't want you to tell me until we completely trust each other. I don't want you to tell me just because you made a mistake. "

" Okay gorgeous. " He pecked me on the lips.

We had arrived in his office and he set me down on the coach he had set across from his desk.

" Okay so what was there punishment? "

" Each boy will be running patrols every single day. I also decided that they will be doing some pack service kind of like community service and they will be taught the importance of those men who die for this pack. Each family also punished there children to how they deemed fit. For example, Kale is making Xavier stay by him at all times and he is grounded. "

" I think you did a great job on their punishment. I expected you to be very harsh. "

" Well after I spanked you I knew I needed to go for a run before I dealt with them since they are still little. Then, I asked my mom for help because I wanted to do what was right. "

" I am proud. "

He just nodded his head and asked,  " What do you want to do today? Want to hang out with any of your friends? "

" Like who? I literally have no friends except little kids like Xavier. "

He looked guilty. " How about me and you go out tomorrow and do a bunch of stuff together? "

" I would love that. "

" Awesome, now for today is want you to lie down so you don't feel any more pain. "

" Yes Mr. Alpha. "

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. " I heard you wanted James to start being trained? "

" Yep. "

" Well I talked to Spencer and he will start basic training tomorrow. Charlie will be enrolled in a little kid training class. "

" What's that? "

" Basically just teaching them how to run away and protect themselves. It's not a class used to fight but more or less get help. "

" Oh. "

" I have to get some work done so how about you head to our room and I will be in there when I finish up here. "

" Yes sir. "

I mock saluted and started walking to our room. Once in there I closed the door and took a nap.


"Luna, Luna, oh Luna. "

I opened my eyes to see a girl probably about my age standing there. " Who are you? "

" I am Jazlyn, a kitchen hand. Well technically I am Spencers cousin but I work in the kitchen here. "

" Nice to meet you. "

" Isn't it? " She laughed and said,  " I came in here for a reason though. I just saw a girl our age wall into the dearest Alphas office. Now it's not my business but if my mate was with a girl dressed like that I would defs want to know about it. "

I jumped out of bed and said,  " Thank you, I will go check this out though I doubt Luke would betray me like that. "

She left the room and I ran to the office. I could smell the she wolf out here so I let out a growl and kicked the door open. My jaw dropped in shock at what I saw.

There was a girl laying spread eagle on the couch I sat on this morning with Luke doing things to her that he just did to me nights ago. Things meaning his head was in between her legs. (A . N. I tried not to make this inappropriate.)

I asked,  " Oh sorry am I intruding? "

Luke jumped back and said,  " Veronica..... "

I interrupted him. " No just don't. I have one thing to say Luke. F*ck you. "

With that I turned and ran towards the door. I pushed it open and ran into the woods. I kept running, pushing myself farther and farther to a point where I just collapsed on the ground. It had to of been nearly twenty four hours later but I just couldn't get the image out of my head.


Thanks for reading. Comment constructive comments. I rewrote this multiple times trying to come up with something that I wanted but also that would satisfy others so I hope this went well. I just want to make everyone enjoy.


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