Chapter I

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".... War plagued the lands, each region being torn in two through the evil of man, and brought Pokemon into our quarrels. Each war all caused because of the selfish acts of the king or queen in rule of the regions.

Pride - excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of the gods It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Envy - the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

Gluttony an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Lust - an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Wrath - manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.

Greed - the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

Sloth - the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

The royal committee brought together men and women to follow out their royal orders in secret, they where a unknown force at first, acting under the cover of secrecy, funded by the royal, and feared by the people.

They robbed, threatened and sometimes killed, among other things, the followers of these kings and queens.

This force were named by one of the seven deadly sins. this was now their identity, everything else about them was killed off and buried. they controlled extraordinarily strong Pokemon at their disposal.

But from chaos, order is born.

With this evil, the gods granted a gift to us. men could not be trusted with this gift. the fear that they could be bribed, threatened, tricked or over powered.

This gift was granted among three pokemon. But could not reach its full potential without a trainer pure of heart. And unbreakable will.

These gifts were given to three, and only three Pokemon every lifetime. these Pokemon never being of the same species or subs species as the previous.

granted to three dragons

Or birds

Beasts of land

Or sea

Unfortunately some failed, and these evil men killed the three.

The seven would build up an army, which would then over power the gifted three.

Before dying, they were taken pity on and transformed, some becoming legendary pokemon, such as articuni, zapdos, and moltres. or entei, raikou, and suicune.

Others where reincarnated as their energy and previous life force shared among Pokemon, creating Pokemon that will watch over the creatures of its domain. These are rumoured to be elder Pokemon

As the seven continued their evil conquest, the royals began to notice the land change, the aftermath from the wars and desolation caused by their rule. Pokemon began to thin out, they were almost killed off. homes where destroyed, habitats flattened, terrains set ablaze, the world falling into total darkness.

Each Pokemon killed, their army grew larger, their souls taken and reborn from the shadows. shadow Pokemon now at their dispersal, the end was eminent.

But to fight an army, you need an army. As the gifted where about to loose, a man saved them. to everyones surprise it was one of the kings, he had seen the wrong in their ways and wished to wash away the sins he has sown among the land. This king became the very first tamer.

Legend tamer.

Men and women with a partner legendary Pokemon, the strongest over the lands.

This king brought together more men and women trainers with legendary Pokemon.

This brung forth what was

Known as the angel army

The only force that could withstand the shadow army.

Sadly the old King died protecting the three.

Due to the strong bond, his death nearly killed his partner pokemon. it is unknown, due to being lost in history, how Pokemon were caught in those times.

But it was a strong bond and if the death was of an unnatural cause, occasionally the Pokemon would die with the trainer because of the bond suddenly shattering.

But he did have children to carry on his blood line, and to also one day recover the secret he allegedly left behind.

Also lost in history, along with the blood line. ......." The man watched as his son lies asleep in bed.

"I know it may seem like a story to you now son, but it is much more, and you are tied deeply into it whether you like it or not. the last descendent of the royal blood line, bearing a child to a seeker. it was dangerous but my love for your mother was to strong. I will never regret having a son though, i do regret having to leave you. happy birthday my boy. my time on earth has come and the seven seek the seekers, ironic isn't it.

I cant risk leading them to you or your mother. I cant risk them finding out who you are. Son i love you, therefore i must leave. goodbye"

He jumps out the window, calling on his pidgeot to take him to the next town.

He heads for the pokecenter, but when he gets close, it explodes into a ball of flame.

"Where do you think your going?"

"Wrath! what do you want, how are you even alive over all these lifetimes?"

"The power of the shadows has no limits hahahahah. but how could you not suspect me to be-" a crack of lightning clouds his words

"So now yous are hunting down the seekers, one by one"

"No, no. we are recruiting the seekers, no one wants to be on the loosing side, so join me"

"Over my dead body"

"That could be arranged. Honchkrow!"

The big boss Pokemon, took a dive for the seeker! talons at the ready.

But pidgeot had tackled honchkrow away, taking more damage then the opponent apparently.

"Using amour now are you? no matter, lets go" the seeker releases his team of four

"What, where is he, where is my Pokemon, where is the legendary Pokemon i created" wrath growled

"Far away from you. alakazam, machamp, golem, and tauros its been an honour knowing you, leave now and save yourself" his Pokemon stood a defensive ring around him "thank you, all"

"Argghhh, your pathetic love for Pokemon is pitiful, come on out. now i think the streets need redecorating, maybe some new colour, go paint the streets, i think red will look nice!"

A crack of Lightning signalled to begin. the seekers five Pokemon stood their ground against wraths six armoured killers. there was little chance yet a strong fight, many of the prototype armours where destroyed. the final out come, sadly, was the death of the seeker and his Pokemon.

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