chapter III

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"I hope that boy is alright, he always has a strange way of getting himself in trouble" my mum says to herself.

"Oh now look what I've done, iv made way to much, well i guess we can use it for tomorrows breakfast" ( coincidence maybe, we'll see)

"Hey mum, i have a surprise" i call out as i walk in the front door.

"Dante. Is that you? Whats the matter?" She says back "what have you d-.....oh why hello there, and who might you be sir? Please have a seat while i get you something to eat. Would you like a drink?" She says when noticing professor Dolan.

"Oh thank you. Ahhh ..... No thanks I'm quite quenched thank you. Well dante is right about where he gets his wonderful manners from" he says.

"Why thank you, i made sure to teach very young"

"And i can see that has paid off quite well" he smiles back "oh i apologise, where are my manners? I am the head master of the academy that dante goes to, professor Dolan. But you can just call me Dolan"

"Oh no, i cant do that sir. I must be respectful, professor Dolan" as she says that i give the professor a smug look.

"So thats where you get it from, hmmm" realising what he meant mum wrapped one arm around me and kissed me on the head.

"Ah mum we have guests" as i say guests mum looks confused "oh sorry look here, come on you two she wont bite...." I look up at mum then back to them ".... Well hopefully not anyway" the professor laughs as mum half heartedly smacked me up the side of my head then i start laughing as well.


Mum ended up inviting the professor for dinner, and he couldn't really decline with the serious look i gave him behind mums back.

They began talking and getting to know each other before they started sharing stories about me. "ok then I'm going outside to play" i say embarrassed by my mums baby stories, some i didn't even know

"Hey dante, would you mind introducing these as well"professor Dolan asks

"Of course i can professor" i say as i take his three pokeballs from his hand.

Of course i already new what they where, seeing as I'm always with professor Dolan anyway.

"Could you check on your sister fir me please dante"

"Yes mum" i head into my younger sisters room and find her half asleep watching television. i close the door softly, not to disrupt her

"Riolu, zorua i would like you to meet, nidoking, nidoqueen, and rhyperior!" I say as each one comes out of there pokeball after being tossed into the air.

At first they where hesitant of the much larger Pokemon in front of them, then when nidoqueen stood forward with a calming smile they ran up to her and jumped into her arms. Probably thanking her for helping us earlier.

I decided to play soccer. They all decided it would be a good idea so we began, we start. There was me riolu and zorua against nidoking nidoqueen and rhyperior. Riolu and rhyperior being goalies. Even though riolus speed and agility every now and then one would be let in, allowing the opposition another point. Okay boys we got to get it together, as i said that the mark on the side of there faces glowed bright and i thought i saw there purple eyes glow a little. Riolu and zorua nodded to each other and they swapped places, zorua began running for the goal when he jumped began to front flip then turned into a bastiodon, the shield Pokemon, surprised they didnt even notice riolu dribbling the ball up the field until he was right in front of nidoking. Riolu pulled his foot back, nidoking thinking he was passing moved in front, as riolu kicked the ball between his legs and ran around to recover the ball, nidoqueen charged forward and tried to slide in front to steal the ball but riolu spun and used his tail to flick it over the top of her as he followed the ball in its direction, now homing in on the goal the opposition didn't even notice me coming up the opposite side of the field, riolu lifted his foot back, rhyperior thinking he's going to TRY to score stood in front blocking the goal from him, but that wasn't the plan.

"GOAL" he passed it off and i let the ball shoot straight into the back of the net.

Having a wall as our goalie help a lot to, but it being a strange body for zorua would let some goals in, being to slow or tripping over.

"24 all who will win?" i commentate

The opposition started with the ball nidoking had the ball riolu ran for him and jumped in the air and because nidoking looked up he disnt know i ran past and stole the ball. As riolu landed he moved to the left pretending to block the goal, and as nidoking tried to kick the ball to nidoqueen but swung at the air and landed on his rear-end. Riolu jumped away to help me as i came up for the goal as we planned nidoqueen blocked me off from riolu and rhyperior came up to me so i couldn't pass or shoot for goal so i kicked the ball between his legs while a orange blur ran past smashed its tail into the ball and scored, zorua had changed into a raichu and left the goal.

"25 - 24, great game" we heard professor Dolan say as he and mum were clapping. "Well its late, i think we should make our way back now" at those words his Pokemon lowered there heads as if not wanting to leave just yet.

"Well its Friday night, how about you stay here this weekend and you both can head back on sunday?" Mum says

"Oh ... Ah well..." Professor Dolan began

"Yeah you can have my room" i say as i give the same look as earlier and his Pokemon look up to him pleadingly

He looks around at each one of us, then felt a tug on his pants. Riolu and zorua are sitting down with cute puppy dog faces.

"How long are you going to wait before you tell us you've already decided to stay" mum says with a big smile

"Well how can i say no to that smile" he says to her. "Oh thats right, i have something for you" he walked inside and i return his Pokemon and we all follow.

He goes through his bag and pulls out a duskball. This is for you, and holds it out towards my mum.

"Why thank you professor" she says and takes the pokeball in order not to offend him.

"Come on out" mum says releasing the mysterious Pokemon inside. "Wow a misdreavous" and hugs it. But as she comes in touch with mum it begins to glow a white light, as it began to grow in size.

"Mismagius" its says once the light had disappeared and left us with its own evolved version of the small ghost Pokemon.

"Your wearing a necklace aren't you?"

"Yeah she is, it has a dusk stone on it. I gave it to her when i was younger" i explained to the professor.

"Which is the only way she can evolve you see"

"Oh, what a coincidence"

"I don't believe in coincidences, I've known this misdreavous along time and then when i thought i should come see you and your mum, well you can see, everything happens for a reason" ( and there is the answer )

After the excitement we all head off to bed

But before so, we let all the Pokemon out as well to either wander around out back or to lay down and sleep.

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