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"She's waking up, everyone get the water supply. Keep it calm."

My eyes adjust to the blue light in the hospital room. I'm tucked in tight under the sheets with water and food being transferred in me by the veins. It's too much of a struggle to try to get up, I'll just speak from here.

"Oh, my gosh, Emma are you okay? Who hit you? I'll put his head up his ass when I find out." Ana jabbered with a worried tone.

"I'm fine."

No, I'm not. I have five fucking days to decide between living and love, otherwise, I die. What kind of fate is that? What kind of fucking destiny is that? If I choose to live, I will wake up without KPD, I'll be normal, but here's the catch. I won't be able to love, I won't get married, I won't have anyone to bring to meet my parents to. Even my family and friend won't care much for me.

If I choose to love, I'll continue to live, but once I fall in love, something will mysteriously take my breathing abilities away – the divinity *cough cough*- I'll die and all the people whose met me, will forget about me. After, I'll be watching the move on up until they die and go in peace.

If I don't choose within five days, he/she/it will take my life just like that. I could be walking, talking, taking a test when they decide to bring me up. Or down. I could be the greatest sinner this world has had to deal with, you never know. She – IT said something about me joining her or something. I can't recall.

"Emma? Hello? You there? Earth to Emma!"

"Wh-what did I miss?"

"You blacked out again, with your eyes open looking at the window. What were you thinking about?" Jenny questions.

Should I tell her? Would it benefit me or her if I did? I think I'll tell her, but ease it out. Bring the topic up, build it up and get straight to the point after. I'll tell her. I can trust her. Right? Whatever, I'll tell her either way.

"I don't know. Things like how did I not realize the wheelchair had started rolling. My brain is shit these days."

What the fuck? Why didn't I tell her? At least one thing is true, my brain is shit. The blankets feel different now, there aren't any more blue lights flashing down my eyes. There aren't doctors around me with professional tools, like they were just about to perform an operation on me. I get up, looking around. I'm in the house with the girls -but Jenny and Lisa- in the same room as me. Already? Did I really black out for the second time? Never mind, while trying to get up, I look at the time only to realize it's seven. In the evening.

Dinner is supposed to be ready by now, if today was a Saturday, we would have Maya's favourite. Spicy rice, accompanied with spicy dressing and other things spicy. Maya helps me up towards the stairs, that is when my nose starts to tingle. Yup, it's Saturday. I can hear Jenny humming to Monster by EXO with Lisa actually singing the lyrics.

Jenny calls the girls down for dinner; she's such a mom it's unreal. We get seated and got ready to watch Maya feast on the homemade dinner. "Enjoy guys, we made it extra spicy for our new roomie Carrie. Hope you can handle it." She announces before gesturing for us to start.

"It's so good, can you pass me the water?" Jenny knows she can't handle spicy foods but if she wants to eat them, why not right? I pass her a glass of water before realizing my phone had been buzzing. I excused myself to check on it; 5 missed calls from Penelope, 2 from Paul Wan and 15 from Alex. Fifteen missed calls?! Maybe he didn't know I got into an accident, it's not his fault. I decided to call him back just to know why he'd left this many phone calls, but before I could press on the small payphone sign, I got an incoming phone call from the same guy.

I swiped to the right and began to talk as normally as I could.

"Hello? Emma? You there?"

"Yeah it's me. Why'd you call?

"Wait, are you okay? I heard you got into an accident on Thursday."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get back on topic here, why'd you call?"

"It's about the dare we dared Timothy to do."

"What about it?"

"Some of your friends went up to him to defend Lisa; they were suspecting things because apparently, Lisa felt like it wasn't real."

"Before you say anything else, I was in a coma for a couple of days. Don't expect me to know anything that happened in between. Anyway, what exactly were they suspecting?"

I know I was in a coma so I don't know what kind of dramas happened while that divinity decided to come in and made me choose my fate. Which reminds me. Since today is Saturday and I woke up on a Friday. I wasted one day blacking out.

"I called you just a few minutes after you, apparently got into an accident. I think they read the messages I sent you, I'm not blaming you. You didn't know you were going to get hit anyway."

"Is that it? Why you called?"

If he really called just to complain, I wouldn't appreciate that very much. It's messed up to confess to someone about someone else, then making them keep a promise then to top it all off, blaming me. Subtly.

"Oh, one more thing. About Maya. Did you get a chance to tell her anything?"

"NO. I was in a fucking coma for fuck's sake."

"I'm sorry. I just hoped that she might've felt the same way. I guess not then"

"Hey! I never said she didn't. I just didn't have the chance to. I'll ask her now, when do you want to meet her?"

Even if it hurt, she was still one of my best friends, my roommate and a childhood friend. All I can do is hope, that she has her eyes set on someone else.

"Tomorrow noon maybe? At the Café. 1.30pm"

"No problem."

"Hey Emma, thanks. For hearing me out. I know there are stories about me but you seem not to care much about the past. I appreciate that. A lot."

"It's really not too big of a deal. I have to go now, see you around?"

"Sure, bye"

We hung up after five minutes of a quite complicated conversation, when I entered the house again, everyone seemed to have lost their appetite. Jenny had tossed her curry out, Maya chose Wattpad over her fried rice, and the rest just stared at their meals with their hands on their stomach.

It wasn't a very pleasant sight, the next thing you know, Carrie ran into the bathroom to throw up. "What happened? Was it undercooked?". All heads turn to me with sorrowful faces.

"We know." Lisa murmurs as she walks to confront me face to face with Falynn, Ana and Maya backing her up.

"Emma, we can't help if you don't tell. All we need is conformation."

"Yeah,you can't lie to us anyway. Like Lisa said before, we know"    

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