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Yesterday was...strange. First, Falynn reveals everything there is to know about the dragonfly. Then Alex pulled me into his soft embrace. It seemed like everything felt right but wrong all at once; is this a warning? No. What kind of warning would this be if things sort of went my way that day.

I shrugged it off, thinking to myself as hard as I could. Living or Love? Did I live yesterday? Did I experience love? Both answers were yes, which makes things twice as hard. Was I really living? Was that actually loving? Both answers were...no?

Ever since I woke up today, nothing went wrong. Breakfast was amazing, everyone in the house had drawn dragonflies on their wrists, lectures were cancelled ever since the fire had occurred. Nothing seemed like it was going to fall into tiny pieces. The only thing that could go wrong is what I might decide on. Today is the last day, if I don't choose, I die. If I choose, I'll still die. Well eventually.

"Emma? Are you upstairs?" Jenny yells from the first floor, interrupting my thoughts. "Yes, I am."

"Good, we need you to come downstairs." Still yelling, gradually getting louder and louder as she made her way up the staircase.

"What? Why?"

"Just come down!" At that point, she had slammed the door open. Yes, still yelling before shutting herself up out of embarrassment. I jumped into my shorts and put a hoodie on before slowly walking past Jenny. I placed my left hand on the railings, brushing it against the wood as I made it down to the kitchen. I turned to the right to see balloons on the ceiling, people wearing funky hats in front of me shouting "SURPRISE!"

I don't know what happened but I guess it was just human instincts to cover your mouth, still being able to say - more like grasp - the words oh my god. My head spun in amazement as I observed the banners that were up on the living room wall with the words "Happy Birthday!" written on all of them. I quickly put the bits and pieces together until I settled with a surprise birthday party. Although I knew what was going on, I was still astonished. My mouth gaped so big even my hands couldn't cover them.

"W-what's going on?" Like I said, I was still incredibly shocked. Even the fact that I was still breathing for my 20th birthday was an incredible surprise itself.

"It's your birthday silly! Ugh, you're so old yet you act like a ten-year-old."

"Correction! Three-year-old!" Falynn added with a ginormous grin on her face.

I felt like nothing could possibly go wrong. Nothing can make this day get any better than it already is. I felt like the shit. I felt so fucking amazing that I felt like I could do anything. "This day can't possibly get any better."

That was when the entire house went silent, we could hear a car parking in our front lawn. I watched it destroy the glazed grass that had grown since last winter. I wanted to shove a shoe down the driver's oesophagus, but I had to keep that down in my stomach until the guests leave. I can't keep this grudge for too long, otherwise I'd spill things that aren't necessary to the subject. Sometimes they make things worse than they already are.

The door opened quietly, with a silhouette of a guy peeping in through the gap. He turned around to close, slowly dimming the brightness behind him, making it easier for us to see him. He turned again to face me with both hands behind him, giving me a cheeky smile as he approached me.

"Happy Birthday, Emma." He murmurs as he hands me a bouquet of Forget-me-nots. They were in a beautiful radiant blue, mixed with some purple and pink. I sniffed them, lifting my head with its soft fragrance. I looked up to thank him, but the person I greeted took me completely off guard.

He was wearing a plain T-shirt, accompanied with denim jeans. Overused. His black and white Adidas shoes helped finish his casual look with his messily brushed hair. His eyes looked fresh like the oceans in the Bahamas, sprinkled with the white sand. He took a step to close the gap between us, with me stepping back in the process.

His eyes widened as he tries again to approach me, with me doing the exact same thing, except backwards. "W-why are you moving away? Did I do something?" I shook my head, he smiled and decided to close the gap between us again. This time, I pushed him away and walked away. – well not really, I only turned my back on him and took about two-three steps away -.

"What did I do? Why are you pushing me away?" he questions, I can hear determination in the tone he spoke to me in. It was filled with worry, curiosity and determination. "It's not right. It just isn't" I reply, filled with rage and confusion. Confused as to why I pushed him away. The one who I called a playboy.

"What's, not right?"

"This. This isn't right."

"But what happened at the cemete -."

"What happened at the cemetery the other day was a one-time thing. Look, maybe some other time. But not right now, and I don't see anything happening any time soon."

He looked away, before turning back to me. I looked over his shoulder to see a white figure standing in a corner. Almost as if it were tucked away to be shipped off overseas. It lifted its wrist and tapped on the watch before mouthing the words "Hurry up." With a sinister grin to complete its devilish look. It was saying some other things after but Alex's argumentative words overthrew its soft whispers. "Alex! I told you, some other time!" He gathered himself together before letting himself go out the door.

At this point, Alex were the least of my worries. I ran up the cases and into the bedroom, where I began to hallucinate. I saw that white figure again, this time, it was right in front of me. It looked like a feminine being, it had long white hair, clean, glowing white oversized robes and she had what looked like a crown made of golden leaves on her head. She smiled at me as she lightly lifted her wrist again, tapping it gently. Her lips mouthed the words tick tock tick tock. She left with a bright flash of light that shot me straight in the eye, causing me to yell in pain.

~~~Filler Chapter~~~

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