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It's been a half a day and Falynn is still missing. It was hard to leave the cemetery because we all had our own thoughts about what on earth might've happened to her. If we left, she might come back to look for us, realizing we were gone. If we didn't leave, we might never leave.

With all this in my head, something decided to click back. The nightmare I wished weren't true proved itself after two days. I managed to keep myself so busy, that I completely forgot about my shitty fate.

Do I live or do I love?

Why is it so hard? I mean, I'm staring at the ceiling in my room, with one bed empty on the left corner. I'm not in love, I should really choose to live. But I want to be loved by others. Thinking back, I can't recall how many days it has been. If five days are over, I could die right this second, or during dinner, or after we find Falynn. Maybe even when Alex begins to realize my feelings towards him. Actually, even if he finds out about it, it'll be too late by then.

What if I made my decision, what happens then? Do I restart my life as a baby to live, or does my life continue as though I had been normal all along? Questions burn like wildfire in my head as I wait for another chance to talk to that divinity. I want to get the most out of it like, what happens if I choose? Things like that.

So many things have happened ever since that divinity came into my life. A fire broke, we found out Falynn has or had the Hanahaki Disease. We lost two people. We literally did. Ella passed and Falynn went missing. It mentioned something about someone praying hard that I get to choose my future. I guess their wish was too boring since the so called "Gods" turned it into something more twisted. My once innocent mind was destroyed by something incredibly stupid, I never even knew my mind was innocent at all.

"Emma! Someone's at the door!" Maya shouts out from downstairs.

"I'll get it!" I answer promptly as I jump out of bed, racing down the stairs. Maya and I are the only ones in the house, she must be busy since she yelled at me to open the door – well almost- the continuous banging on the door got louder as I got closer. "Excuse me ma'am." Hold on. Ma'am? They sounded like they meant business so I unlocked the door immediately. Revealing two police officers dressed in their uniform, holding a small girl by her arms.

"Yes?" That's me, trying to be the most formal and professional I can be.

"Are you Miss Emmerson Hudson?"

"Yes. What seems to be the problem?"

I take a look at the girl one more time, examining her head-to-toe. Nothing clicked back.

"I believe she is the missing girl you and your friends have been looking for. Does she look familiar?" Like I said before, her looks didn't really ring a bell. Maybe if they told me her name, I might have something to say.

"She doesn't look like someone important to me. What's her name?"

"Falynn Rodriguez"

Falynn Rodriguez. Falynn Rodriguez. I repeat her name in my head over and over again, trying to remember the Falynn I know. It can't be. Falynn's last name isn't Rodriguez. That girl they had with them had her head down, facing the ground. She was wearing bright colours without a beanie. Her shoes were black, laced ankle boots. She really doesn't ring a bell here. But I do want to know why they brought her in t

"I'm sorry, it seems to me she isn't the one that went missing. Before you get going, keep this in mind. Her name is Falynn Sya. Oh, and we would like to keep this girl for a bit, just to confirm that she isn't the one."

They nod as I escort this unfamiliar girl inside the house and into the living room. I can see the police still waiting outside in their car, waiting to arrest some teenagers.

"Who are you really?"

She keeps her head down to her shoes. Her long wavy, jet black hair hid everything piece of facial feature I can see. That's one more thing that proves this isn't the Falynn I know, she has a short undercut.

"I'm going to repeat myself, who...are...you? And why were you brought in here?"

Nothing. I was starting to lose my temper here, luckily, Maya came in. But my luck took a turn to the left and dodged me, as she dropped everything she was holding when she saw the girl sitting on the sofa. Smack in the middle.

"Y-you... Why is she here? How did you get here?"

The girl's eyes flickered as she examined Maya, not noticing her dagger-like glares Maya was giving off.

"The officers brought her in just a minute ago. They claimed that she was Falynn."

"Well, she's not." Maya snapped as she sat right next to me, before she began to whisper in my ear.

"Don't believe anything this girl says. Don't fall into the same trap I fell in."

As Maya backed away, I stare at the girl who claimed her name was Falynn. At this point, I needed answers; some sort of explanation from both sides at least.

"Who are you?"

No answer. I ask again, this time with a tone.

"I'll force it out of you if you don't tell me. Who... are...you?!"

Still no answer. This girl was really testing me to my limit, I wanted to decapitate her head if I could. Before I even considered it, she began to slowly lift her head up, flicking her hair behind her shoulders. This much sassiness already? Unbelievable. She faced me, before glancing towards the now frozen Maya, giving her a sinister smirk as she looked back to me.

"Why is it so hard? I mean, I'm not in love so I should really choose live. There's just one problem, I am already in love. Sad story, isn't it?" Did she just...re-phrase my thoughts. The ones I had this morning? No, it can't be. No human can do tha-

"Oh, trust me dear, I'm no human."

Wait, what? "D-did you just...read...m-my tho...\" Everything went black after, there was nothing else I can remember, but not being able to finish my sentence. If that was really the divinity giving me a visit, it may be a warning sign saying I only have a day or two left to choose. Or none at all. I might be dead right now; on my way to join that beast.

All whom I loved, my parents, my friends, Ella, Falynn and Alex. They will never come to understand what happened to me. That was the deal. Even experts won't be able to solve my death. If I were really dead that is.

I couldn't even do most of the things from my bucket list. I didn't get the chance to tell Alex I loved him, hoping he would return the favour. My heart is so sore from being broken so many time, especially when my family came into mind. At least now Ella and Jill will have a new roommate once I get there. If I get there.

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