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First, Falynn slammed the door wide open, almost breaking its hinges. She knelt down as she yelled for more help. Jenny ran through the opening, followed by Maya and Lisa, then Ana, Carrie and Penelope. Jenny demanded Paul to call the emergency line as she tried her best to keep me conscious. With all the hustle and noise surrounding me, I could feel myself slowly slipping away.

It was still bright in the afternoon, there is no way I ran out of time to decide. Paul's voice cracked every time the receiver asked questions on how I was doing, what temperature is and what happened. I couldn't see anything as my eyes burnt like a lit splint, like a volcano, still active. Like my eyesight were taken away from me as a whole.

"No, she isn't having a fever...No she hasn't been on any medication...she... Her hands are covering her eyes, I th-think something must've happened to them." Paul shivers as he spoke. I couldn't do anything; my limbs were starting to feel incredibly numb. My consciousness is beginning to fall from me. Far from my reach.

I'm slipping...

I'm slipping...

I'm slipping...

I've slipped. Though my soul was almost taken, I could still hear everything perfectly fine, as if I were a part of the conversation. I felt something cold touch my wrists, feeling for a pulse. They all sighed in relief of my wellbeing. It began to darken; the lights began to dim and all I could hear was...the sound of silence and a long high-pitched sound coming from inside of my ears.

It leads me to someplace I was rather familiar with; the cream crimson room. Or wherever it was. "You have less than five hours left."

There was its voice again. For once I thought that I would never have to hear that annoying voice in my entire life. I know it can hear me, that's the main reason why I said those things. I heard it sigh in frustration, before taking a deep breath.

"Five hours to decide. It's critical that you choose for the future of everyone else is at stake."

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever choice you make, will not only affect your life, but everyone else's. If you choose to live, others will live life without showing any signs of affection towards you."

"And if I choose love, one person will fall in love with me. What happens if I don't choose? Like what happens to everyone else?"

"They will be severely hurt. They will never find out why you have died and to a human being, it is more painful than losing someone knowing how they died than not knowing at all."

One question still burns in my head. After all this time, it has only hit how I don't actually know who prayed so hard to let me choose my fate.

"I'm sorry, but that information is confidential."

"Fine. Just let me go then, I still need to make a decision that will all lead to death. Easy as fuck, isn't it?" With that, my head began to feel like it was being lifted, my body felt like it remained somewhere, but my mind took me elsewhere.

It dawned to me that, I don't have a choice but to choose. All my life, all those fucking years spent and wasted all lead up to this. All my life was about people telling what to do, what not to do; all of them lead to this. An unsuccessful, unachieved, unlived life.

I woke up, in the most predictable way possible. At this point, I think people would know how and where I would wake up after every visit from that divinity *cough*dickhead *cough*.

The usual hospitalizing shit happened, they saw me wake up, the head specialist called in for water supplies and some people I know tried to get me to full consciousness. The usual, except this time, I actually knew what happened to me. I observed the room, there aren't thousands of people like before but there was someone. At least. "Hey, Alex."

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