Part II: Chapter 4

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I was about halfway asleep when my phone vibrated from across the room. The abrupt noise in the thick of the even silence jolted me awake.

Bleary-eyed, I squinted at the clock. Who in the world would be texting me at this hour? I would have much preferred to sleep and get out of the world for a few hours, if I could. Still, the situation was queer enough to pull me out of bed.

From Frank Iero: can you come over?

I assumed my phone had simply delayed getting a message, so I ignored it. I'd answer in the morning; what were a few more hours? As soon as the screen went black and plunged me into darkness again and I put the phone down, though, I started to worry that Frank was up late, his mind racing. What if he actually needed me right now?

It could have been an error, but if it wasn't and I ignored it, something horrible could happen. I remembered all too vividly what Frank had done at the end of the school year and how I'd sworn to myself that I'd do anything to keep it from ever happening again. If he needed me in the dead of night then that was how it was. The fact that I'd been awake to see the message meant I had no excuses. Better to check, really.

From Gerard Way: Right now?

Please be the right thing to say please don't wake him up if this is just a mistake please stay awake Gerard please respond quickly please read that the way it was supposed to sound please –

From Frank Iero: if you can yes please

Thank God I hadn't ignored this.

As quietly as I could, I unplugged my phone from the wall, twisted my doorknob, and let the door swing wide. I crept down the stairs and to the front door. After sliding on a pair of shoes and ensuring I wasn't heard, I slipped into the cool air of the night and took off running in his direction.

While I ran, I tapped out another message.

From Gerard Way: Where can I meet you?

From Frank Iero: Backyard?

From Gerard Way: Be there soon <3

From Frank Iero: Thank you <3

I knew whatever was wrong wasn't just something to be brushed off. The hour spoke for itself. Maybe this was a stupid idea, agreeing to sprint to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the night without any idea why I was doing it, but something in my gut told me it was important. He was impulsive. He was depressed. He had new reasons to be afraid. Now, he was up with heightened senses the more the lack of sleep got to him. If he thought I could help him with any of that tonight and remind him why he still wanted to live, of course I'd sacrifice sleep for him.

I had to slow to a walk once I hit his street; despite how badly I wanted to cut down on time, my body wouldn't work that hard for me. The moonlight lit my path and gleamed off the house numbers, its blue hue a kind of beautiful I'd never seen before.

There's something weird about the silence of a neighborhood at night. It is a kind of silence that can never be found anywhere else.

Of course I always thought the world was pretty. At least that nature was. The things that didn't happen – the things that just were – they were beautiful. But a different kind of beautiful at night. It's a well-kept secret of the world, I found myself thinking, sending everyone under, forcing us all to be unconscious while the world releases how beautiful it can be.

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