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Thanks to NaNoWriMo 2016, I finished writing the first draft of this even before TCFSH was finished being posted! I realize the way this ended was a little disappointing to some of you - a little cliche - but it's my belief that we get our share of unhappy endings in real life. Books don't have to be like real life all the time - why write them if they do?

If for some reason you decided to read this book before reading the first one but enjoyed it all the same, I highly suggest checking out the prequel, Three Cheers for Sweethearts! You can find it easily on my page.

Only a couple of honorable mentions for titles this time around:


YOUNG AND QUEER (I decided on QUEER AND MENANCE; it fit better)

The good news: There will be more content! The series is not over.

The bad news: It's not a third book.

I thought long and hard about making My Chemical High School a trilogy (a third book based on Danger Days), but as in love as I am with the way I've reimagined these people as my characters, I really don't have the energy to complete a third book. I like where I left them all and don't have a solid story for their senior year.

"But Cassidy, you just told us the series isn't over! If you're not writing more, what does that mean?"

Ah, well, that's where you're wrong, imaginary second half of this conversation.

There will be another book, just not another plot.

I give you...

Conventional Writing!

As the album Conventional Weapons is a series of five tiny albums released after MCR was over, this book is similar in nature. It will be deleted scenes, alternate endings, little pieces I wrote but couldn't find a good place to include, and everything in between. As of now, I have no way of knowing how long it will be or how often I'll update it; just as long as I have miscellaneous scenes to publish, they'll be there! I'll certainly let you all know when it's out.

It has been a pleasure to share this story with you. I hope you all enjoyed reading this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. It's going to be weird not coming home from school with a new plot bunny written on my hand that I need to type up right away. Thank you beyond words for each and every one of your comments, too. From sarcastic references to serious plot analysis, every one of them has made me smile and had the power to turn my day around entirely, even motivated me to keep writing as I became less and less emo and more and more interested in writing about my OCs. You were all so excited about it that I couldn't stop. You are all a blessing to my life and I'm so glad to have found this community where we can all bond over gay jokes, weak puns, and fictional tears.

I love you all.

Until the next book!

~Cassidy (acting_is_mylife)

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