Part III: Chapter 3

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As soon as the front door closed behind me, my mother was on me with questions on how my day out was. I answered vaguely, not sure how to really describe how great it was in a way that I would feel comfortable telling my mother. She didn't need to know everything.

I told her I wanted to go to sleep, and therefore she was happy to leave me be when I headed to my room. There, I slouched on the end of my bed and remembered all the tiny details of the day that had made me happy at some point or another. Feeling his hand in mine all day. Cuddling under a bright flag. Seeing nothing mean, nothing violent, and nothing other than complete and total acceptance and kindness. Watching Frank be amazed by the complexity of the decorations. Kissing in front of a sunset. I couldn't pick a favorite moment.

This was just the first day of a three-day event. I absolutely could not wait to do everything again, this time with an idea of what I was getting into.


I texted Mikey before really going to sleep, realizing he would probably be back from working by now and available to talk.

From Gerard Way: How's work camp going?

From Mikey Way: going well. everyone's so nice here and so grateful that we're willing to help them rebuild their houses. gonna miss the people from ohio and texas that we met here

From Gerard Way: Exchange numbers and it should all be good. What exactly do you guys do with your time?

From Mikey Way: my job personally is to paint the roof of this old guy's house. it's so flimsy i feel like i'm going to fall through it all the time but it's also kind of fun

From Mikey Way: the best part is the worship hour right after dinner though. these people are so in love with God it's crazy

From Gerard Way: Who exactly are "these people?" Friends? Leaders?

From Mikey Way: everyone! it's so cool how accepting everyone is of everything.. i don't think i've seen one person get mad at another person, and the most drama that goes around is that two kids keep pranking everyone by deflating their air mattresses when they're not looking. it's all harmless fun

From Mikey Way: we all get along so well because at the end of the day we're all children of God and we all have this divine connection. this is bigger than anything i've been a part of before

From Gerard Way: That does sound amazing. Are you sad to come back tomorrow then?

From Mikey Way: very. like i said, i'm going to miss everyone, but at the same time we do have this connection, so i'm sure i'll see them again. anyway how is my song doing?

I smirked at the screen, seeing such a deep sentence followed by one that sounded so much shallower. I told him that I still couldn't figure out what happened with the website and that he'd just have to see for himself when he got back home.

When conversation died down, I figured I could only avoid washing off the rainbow mural on my arm for so long and resigned to showering, letting the pastels wash down the drain. I'd come up with something even better for tomorrow.


Truth time – there's a plot hole in this story. There's no reason for Mikey's song's website to be down, I just thought it would be boring to shoot numbers at you. Just know he's wildly successful and that my cop-out answer is to let him never know.

So leave your theories in the comments – did someone hack the website because they don't want Mikey to know how well his song is doing? Is there someone trying to steal his music? Eliminate their competition? Whichever one of you has the best theory will be shouted out in the next update.


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